24) A Broken Heart

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After Cynthia left Finn in Alabama she travelled back to New York and arrived at Martin's home where she will stay. At 12  pm Martin's home door was knocked so Martin to find Cynthia in front of her as Joe ran to Martin and she carried him but still staring at Cynthia.

"Why are you back!?" Martin said staring at Cynthia

"It's over Martin" Cynthia said as she entered

"Martin, Are we gonna play?" Joe said as he looked at Martin but she didn't answer him

"Martin!!" Joe said as he held her face with both hands so she looked at him "what baby?"

"We will play?" Joe said with cute smile so Martin smiled and answered "we will play but let me go talk to your mother and you play for while and i will follow you okay?"

Joe agreed as ran to the garden to play with Martin's dog. Martin walked to the kitchen brought coffee for herself and Cynthia then walked to Cynthia in the living room  where Cynthia in sitting on the couch hiding her face with her hands tears falling.

"Why it's over?" Martin said as she sat on the chair

"He is cheating on me" Cynthia said as she got her hands away from her face

"Impossible!! With who?" Martin was so shocked on hearing this

"Cathy Kelley" Cynthia said and drank from her coffee. Martin kept silent for time didn't know what to say.

"Maybe...it's just a friendship!" Martin said and looked at Cynthia

"No!! No, he promised her to marry her and didn't you see their picture together!? It's trending on the social media beside..." Cynthia said with angry tone but she looked down

"Beside what?" Martin said

"The ring i thought it's for me...it was for her" Cynthia said so broken

"What ring i don't understand anything!" Martin said

"Finn bought a ring in a dark blue box and by luck i saw it in his jacket. I opened it and liked the ring thought he will give it to me as a gift but i met Cathy in Alabama and saw the ring in her hand" Cynthia said

"Might be another ring she bought similar to the Ring Finn bought and what is she doing in Alabama?" Martin asked

"When i went home and checked all over the room didn't find the ring and we hung out together for couple of times and he gave me nothing  and i found a picture of the ring in her hand on his phone and about what is she doing in Alabama...she came to visit Finn" Cynthia said

"She met him in the hospital?" Martin asked

"No! They met in a cafè" Cynthia said

"How did you know all of that!? Finn can't do that!!" Martin said

"I read his conversation with her and now he did...he cheated on me. He told her that he isn't happy with me cause i ask for marriage alot while she isn't. He will leave me 'cause he can't stand me at home. What do you want me to do? Huh? Tell me!!" Cynthia said so angry

"But now Finn will be in...bad mode" Martin said slowly

"Bad mode? Bad mode? What about me!? Breaking me to pieces!! Date another girl while i was dying when i knew he got injured!! I always ask for marriage to make him stay with me. Not to leave me and Joe but that's what really happened!! I will leave him do what he wants since he wants her" Cynthia said and started to cry

"Cynthia please calm down" Martin said as she hugged her

"I left my life for him. He owned me. He controlled me. I served him for nothing but 'cause i love him more than anyone but why he did that to me? Why? I have been good to him! Good to his friends! Good to his family! Never embarrassed him in front of anyone! Never said bad things behind his back or about anyone he loves even you Martin! But why he did that? I am not human like her? I am not a girl that one day she will get married to the man she loves? What will i do now with Joe? How can i grow him up without a father to protect him while his father with another woman? How can i live while Finn is away! His heart is away! His mind is away! If he really loved her why he didn't leave me from the beginning? Why? Am i paying for my love to Finn? It's all my fault!! It was all my fault Martin! I am sorry!!" Cynthia said crying so hard and hugged Martin so hard as Martin's tears fell down so sad for her and still shocked of what Finn had done.

"Cynthia! One day Finn will know his mistake. He will come running begging you for forgiveness! Beg you to look at his face with your beautiful eyes. Beside you should start new life. You should do what you dreams to do and i am sure Finn won't give you up that easy 'cause i am sure he loves you and how much he loves Joe. He won't break a family he always dreamed to built. I couldn't do that for him but you did. You made like an achievement in his life. You are a big point of change in his life. You completely changed him to be more lovely person. You don't have to be sad cause he will come back again" Martin said trying to make Cynthia calm down.

Cynthia calmed after time and looked at Martin "i really should start new life"

This is chapter 24 . Don't forget to vote and leave a comment ❤

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