35) Friendship

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Last chapter stopped Brian proposed to Martin..

All became happy for Martin and Brian and specially Cynthia. Martin and Mary went to help Cynthia to take off her dress and dress her normally and later on they headed to the car to leave

While driving they stucked in a traffic jam that not moving and Cynthia was mindless thinking of Finn and remembered that this day is the first day they met so she smiled happily "i should go to Finn"

"Can't you see the way?" Brian said so upset

Cynthia didn't care and got out the car and started to run in the street as the sky started to rain and Cynthia was so happy

She kept running in the rain till she reached WWE building and later on she headed to the hall were all the wrestlers were sitting together joking and laughing

All looked at her surprised but she didn't care and started to look for Finn between them but she couldn't find him

"Where is he? Where is Finn?" Cynthia asked looking around her

"He travelled back to Ireland" Kevin Owens said sadly

Cynthia kept staring at Kevin as her tears fill her eyes "travelled?" She said slowly

"I am sorry Cynthia" Kevin said and looked down. Cynthia was staring shocked then turned around slowly and left and headed to Martin's home

She entered her room without a word and took a hot shower then went to sleep while her tears were falling


Seth was doing great in his life, sure he had some sorrow but he know that he can't force her to stay but he decided to fix things and he knew from some friends in WWE that Cynthia went there and searched for Finn and didn't find him so he booked flight to Ireland to meet Finn and that's after the wedding within two days

Seth arrived to Finn's hometown Bray and later he arrived at Finn's home and knocked on the door

Loenie Finn's mother opened the door and smiled at Seth "Oh Seth how are you? What a good surprise!"

"Thanks but can i meet Finn please?" Seth asked after Loenie allowed to go in and wait in the living room

After moments Finn came to Seth in the living room and was surprised to see him "Seth? What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to talk about something important" Seth said but found Finn was looking at his left hand so Seth looked at it then looked at Finn "that's what i am here for"

"You didn't get married?" Finn asked in shock

"We didn't cause she was scared to take this step" Seth said

"Let's talk in the garden" Finn pulled Seth to the garden and they both sat and started to talk

"Tell me what happened" Finn said

"Look.. Cynthia was scared to marry cause she thinks she won't be happy and will make my life sad and she doesn't want my life to be like that" Seth said and was going to continue but Finn intrupped him

"That's the reason?" Finn asked "can you let me continue then ask whatever you like?!" Seth said with weak smile "Okay sorry"

"She left me cause she loves you, she needs you back, she went to WWE to look for you but couldn't find you, she told me that first love always be the love that can change the life to the best, she told me first love is always forgiven, always unforgetten, she really need you back Finn, Go back to her" Seth said with smile

"Did she really say that? I can't believe!!" Finn said with wide smile couldn't believe himself

"It's true Finn and I'm.." Seth said but Finn intrupped him again

"Seth i am so thankful for you.. I don't know what should i say" Finn said with smile

"You don't have to thank me but i want to apologise for you" Seth said

"For what? You didn't do anything!!" Finn said

"No Finn, i am sorry that i took her from you and didn't fix things between both of you. I thought i can win her heart and will always be happy togther but you won, even your son wasn't happy that i will get married to Cynthia maybe he is jealous or need you only, i don't know. I know that i could do something and fix things between both of you but i'm really sorry brother" Seth said and hugged Finn

"I forgive you brother, i want to thank you for taking care of her and Joe" Finn said with

They broke the hug and looked at each other "then.. i want surprise her" Finn said

"Oh right, Brian and Martin are getting married after three weeks" Seth said

"Really? That's so nice! I am happy for them" Finn said with smile then went silent

"Wait.. did you say they will get married after three weeks?" Finn said and looked at Seth

"Yes, he proposed to her in my wedding ceremony after i cancelled it" Seth said

Finn kept looking at Seth then smiled "now I knew how to surprise Cynthia"

This is chapter 35 hope you enjoyed reading and don't forget to vote and comment

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