3) War Of Hate

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The following day Martin woke up and put on her day clothes leaving Finn sleeping and went outside of the house. Her eyes fell on a man standing on a ladder hanging some stuff on a tree for decoration. It was Cynthia's brother Brian. Martin walked closer to him while still keeping her distance. "What are you doing?" Martin asked but gave him a rude look.

"Exactly what you see." Brian replied then looked to her. "Do you need something?" He asked her.

"What would I need from you?" Martin asked and turned to leave.

Brian looked at her clothes Marin wore a t-shirt underneath an opened button up with a pair of jeans.

"Well, I need help." Brian said so she turned to him and looked at him. "Can you hand me those things so that I can hang them?" He asked but she glared at him. "A... sorry... you can leave..." Brian said but was surprised when she handed him the stuff from the ground.

"Hurry because my arm will start to hurt." Martin said and looked away.

Eventually Brian had finished and started to come down the ladder. He turned to look at her but she was already walking away.On Martin's way back she ran into Finn who was in the midst of a search for Cynthia. "Oh hey." Finn said still looking dizzy from his sleep.

"Hey baby." Martin said and kissed his cheek.

"Have you seen Cynthia?" Finn asked but Martin gave him an incredulous look.

"Why are you asking about her?" Martin said looking angry.

"Cause a... Well..." He kept silent for a moment and looked at her, "Cause dad needs her." He replied but Martin only pretended to believe him.

"Hmm... I haven't seen her." She said and Finn turned to leave but she stopped him.

"You promised me you will take me on your horse." Martin said and wrapped her arms around Finn's neck.

"Ahh yeah" Finn said but he wasn't really happy. He took her to horses barn and he put her on the horse and he sat behind her

They walked for while and kept talking. "Finn... are you attracted to that blonde?" Martin asked.

"Ha ha me? Definitely not! I won't look at a cowgirl." Finn said nervously but Martin didn't believe him.

They kept going on their ride for a while. "I guess we should go back." Finn said but Martin didn't answer. Finn turned the horse around and headed back. When they arrived they got off the horse. Martin kissed him he returned it but soon were interrupted by Brian calling them.

"Guys... Lunch is ready!" Brian called to them. 

Martin pulled away annoyed by the interruption. They entered the house and sat down just as Cynthia came in and sat down as well. "This is delicious Mary!" Fintan smiled.

"Actually Cynthia cooked for us today. I've been feeling rather tired today." Mary replied.

"Cynthia you got your mothers cooking skills." Marlo smiled.

Martin wasn't really eating, just pushing it around with her fork but she did notice Finn was eating it for the first time since they had arrived. "May I have another dish?" Finn said looking at Cynthia. 

Cynthia smiled at him and was just about to grab his plate but Martin took it first. "I can get it for you baby." Martin said looking at Cynthia with hate and jealously but Cynthia looked away and smiled weakly.

Finn didn't like what happened but smiled anyways and all the family was surprised of Martin's behavior. Martin set the dish in front of him then kissed his cheek. "Bon Appetite sweetheart." Martin said and smiled then ate.

Later that afternoon Finn walked outside to find Cynthia sitting alone outside. "Hey Cynthia." Finn greeted looking at her with a soft smile. 

Finn wasn't really sure what was going on but although he would never admit it, he began to find himself attracted to the blonde haired cowgirl. "Hey Finn." Cynthia said and looked up at him with a smile.

"I'm sorry for what Martin did today at lunch." Finn said embarrassed.

"It's okay. I'm not upset." She brushed it off.

"You know she is always jealous and wants everything for herself. But I just love her you know?" Finn said quietly sounding as if he were trying to convince himself instead of Cynthia.

"Well, I just feel like sometimes..." Cynthia began but Finn soon cut her off.

"She's what?" Finn said and looked at her sternly.

Cynthia did not want to say anything mean and upset him so she settled for; "She can be good sometimes. Funny..." 

Finn nodded and looked down they both kept silent... After while she broke the silence by Cynthia singing quiet song. Finn looked at her, he saw her eyes shining and her voice was so warm and comforting. "You have a great voice" Finn told her and smiled.

"Thanks.." Cynthia said and smiled as well looking away shyly.

"Cynthia... If you met a guy and he asked you to go with him to the city would you agree to go?" Finn asked.

She didn't answer for a few moments. "If I love him then yes I probably would." She looked at him confused. Finn only nodded with a smile before looking away.

"Tomorrow we will be having a party." Cynthia said breaking the awkward silence.

"Do you drink?" Finn said and looked at her.

"No but you don't need alcohol to have fun. I usually have fun just by dancing and hearing the music." Cynthia said with a shrug.

"Me too... I guess we do have some things in common then huh?" Finn said and smiled.

"Yeah... Well, I'm gonna go. I'll talk to you later." She said getting up in a hurry and leaving.

Finn sighed and sat there for quite some time thinking. Wondering why he cannot stop thinking of the sweet blonde haired cowgirl. It was hours later when Finn sighed to himself and went inside to his warm bed.

This is my third chapter..i know it's short but hope you like it...please vote and leave comment!!

Edited 27/08/2017

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