Chapter 20: Third Prince & I

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"Why's he here!?"

As our trio—Dominic, Boomer and I—make it to the foyer of the Lloyd Mansion, we're met with a less than pleasant reaction.

"Wait-!" Elliot, eyes wide open and mouth aghast, he points at the girl by my side. "Why's she here!?"

"Nice to see you too, Lloyd." Boomer, standing a little ways behind me, sticks her tongue out fearlessly at the Ice Prince while earning a less than approving look from me.

Soon, the whole Lloyd company is in the foyer—minus Ezekiel—assisted by various maids and butlers who have arrived to see what's the commotion. After a lengthy amount of fussing by the maids, I shoo them all away to leave only Kenna—who stands by the staircase in wait.

As I relay the events of the past couple hours to a little less than raging Theodore, I'm reduced to an unconfident stammer by the end—the elderly man looking like he may put his fist through the wall.

Colt himself, looks as though he may grab the nearest butler and throw said butler into the next room.

"Fucking hell..." Elliot mutters under his breath as I wrap up my retelling. "You." The Ice Prince sticks out his pointer finger accusingly at Axel, who looks dumbfounded. "Your the reason this shitfest happened in the first place."

"Me!?" Axel exclaims aggressively, swinging from a worried calm to an outrage in less than a mere second. "What the fuck are you blaming me for?"

"You went missing. You left without telling me where you were going. You're the one that thinks that moping around like a lost little boy in search of mother dear gives you the right to pull everyone else into shit." Elliot steps forward towards Axel, taking a volatile stance. "Leighton went looking for you. I did too. Unfortunately, she's the one that got kidnapped by our big brother's bat shit crazy ex, tied up, and tortured by said crazy ex."

Axel brings his eyes to my bandaid covered temple, all his anger seeming to wash away. I stand awkwardly in the middle of them, arms folded, a melancholy look on my face. I guilty turn away from Axel, afraid that his actions and my situation may push him over the edge.

"I never thought Katanya would do something like this..." Colt murmurs, a sympathetic expression on his face—although, I'm wondering whether that expression is for me, or for Katanya. "She's always been such a nice and timid girl."

Wait, what?

That's enough to tip me over the edge.


A shriek resonates throughout the foyer. Looking down at my own mouth, I'm surprised that the words hadn't come from me, but from Boomer. Fists balled at her sides, her eyes seem to reflect the emotions inside her, bubbling and sparkling like a firecracker.

"She's attempted stabbed Leighton twice—with the same knife might I add, very unhygienic—and you think she's nice!?" She screeches, her tirade seeing no end. "Is your head too fuckin' far up her vagina? Must be goddamn deep if you're this bloody blind-"

"Boomer." I snap. "Language."

"Cantonese and broken English." She huffs, arms folded in frustration. "All I'm saying is, maybe if prissy boy Lloyd over there—" Boomers nods over to Colt. "—hadn't let his wanger feel the gravitation pull of that Bratz doll's never ending abyss, you wouldn't be modern day Julius Caesar!"

"That's my brother your talking about, crazy bitch." Jace moves forward intimidatingly, stepping between Boomer and Colt. "If you wanna' have a go at someone, try me."

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