Chapter 19: Saviours & I

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Clamouring into bed, all the bones in my body sore, I plug my phone into its charger and lie on my back. Shutting my eyes, I don't even notice the repetitive knock on the door. Whether I was paying no mind to it, or whether I was too tired to even comprehend the consistent taps, I roll over my side tiredly.

"Miss Leigh...?"

I hear the door open with a noisy creek, and I shove my face further into my pillow. Intending to remain silent, I don't say anything as I hear her footsteps draw closer.

"It's time for your 9'o'clock bath, Miss Leigh."

"I don't feel like it tonight."

"You know your hair gets frizzy if you don't wash it for a couple days." She circles around my bed nervously. "Please let me run you a bath."

I awkwardly avoid her impertinent stare by shutting my eyes. Hugging myself with my arms, I let out a small noise at my mental surrender.

"I'm sorry, Kenna-"

"I'm sorry, Miss Leigh!!"

In the middle of my apology, she cuts me off with one of her own. On her knees with her hands clasped together, she looks up at me on the bed with big, pleading eyes.

"I shouldn't have waited for you like that. I know you don't like to be bothered but I did it anyway." Bracing herself, she begs for forgiveness. "Please forgive me, I'd rather die than have you be angry with me."

"Kenna!" I exclaim, swinging off the bed and landing on my knees in front of the maid, I grasp her shoulders to shake her out of her turmoil. "Don't say that! Please! I don't want to think about you dying."

"Miss Leigh...?"

"I'm sorry for how I acted that night. Very sorry. All you do is care for me and I had no right to treat you the way I did." Sighing heavily, I let her go gently, placing my hands in my lap. "As much as I hate it, I've grown dependent on you. I need you here, and I need you to be happy."

Keeping my head lowered, I can't bring myself to look her in the eye. How would she react? Would she get angry? Upset? Would she throw my apology right back in my face? Even if she did, I'd deserve it. Gripping the hem of my skirt, I warily raise my head when I hear her sniff.

Or... she could be the loveable, doting maid I came to love. Forgiving me no matter how badly I treat her or how angry I get.

"I don't care how you talk to me, Miss Leigh." Outstretching her hands, she wraps her arms around me and tightens her grasp. Quietly sniffing it my shoulder, I let her cry into the fabric of my blazer, wrapping my own arms around her skinny waist. "As long as your happy. I don't care what happens to me as long as your happy."

"Kenna, don't-"

"It's true. And I think that's why I was really upset that night." Pulling away, she brings her hand to her cheek to wipe a stray tear away with the fabric of her glove. "Because it seemed like something made you sad. And I often get upset and worried when your in a mood."

Nodding, I stand up, helping the maid to her feet as well. Brushing off her shoulders, a light feeling spreads in my chest when she shows me a gentle smile. She gives me a quick bow before rushing off to the bathroom, eager to please me with a luscious bath filled with roses and various lavender scents.

Looking towards my bedside table where my phone lies, I notice consistent buzzes resonating from the device, rattling the table. About pick up my phone, Kenna calls for me from the bathroom, and I turn away.

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