Chapter 11: Parties & I

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I wake up to a rumbling noise in my bedroom, the racket pulling me out of my peaceful slumber. Rolling in the sheets, I bury myself deeper into the pink silk so I can avoid the light streaming through the window. Tightly squeezing the faux fur of my big pillow, I let out a low growl as the racket continues.

"Sorry, Miss Leigh. I'm just organising your wardrobe. I ironed your uniform for you and was just hanging it up."

Another grumble escapes my chest and I struggle into an upright position.

"Why are you here so early, Kenna...?"

"Um, Miss Leigh." The maid clears her throat from her sitting position in front of my wardrobe. "It's a little past 11am."

"What!?" I exclaim, a shrill in my voice. Glancing over at the digital clock beside my bed, I'm filled with despair when I learn the time.

"I thought it was odd that you were still asleep." Kenna carried on, picking up one of my blouses with a gloved hand to fold it neatly. "But you've been working so much overtime this week, I couldn't bare to wake you."

Sighing, I relax into the pillows, leaning back into the warmness of the bed.

"I guess it's okay for now." I murmur as Kenna floats over to my bedside with a glass of water. "I'm not required at work today."

A phone call at 3am this morning sealed that decision. Julian rung in a panic, freaking out about a pipe burst in our sector of the office. Sympathetic to him having to wake at that hour and travel 2 hours to the office to over see it, I wished him a safe night and an uneventful day.

Taking a sip of water, I unlock my phone to find new messages sent from Clemilee.

"Party 2nite at Mike's!
U got his apology right?
+ ur favourite boys r gonna b there ;)"

Rolling my eyes, I send the girl a short apology and reason for why I'm not going. Reason being I don't want to go.

Parties were loud, uncontrollable, and unhygienic. Three things I do not mix well with. Another thing I don't mix well with is a drunk-off-his-ass-Elliot. I'd only experienced Elliot wasted once before, and it was a less than pleasant ordeal. It included fighting, vomit and passing out. The Ice Prince being a participant of all three of those.

"You're making that face again." Kenna smiles gently, retrieving the glass from me once I've finished drinking.

"What face?"

"The face you make when you find something you dislike." Giggling, she sets down a plate of sliced gala apples on my nightstand. "Looks a bit like this."

Half laughing, half trying, she attempts to imitate the face I seem to make. Turning my head away, I shake my head in mock disapproval.

"So what's tickled your dislike bones this morning?"

Fiddling with my phone with one hand, I rub the sleepiness from my left eye. "A friend invited me to a party."

"And what I'm drawing from your reaction is," The maid pauses. "Is that your disgusted by the very thought and would rather drop dead then dance with a bunch of sweaty teenagers?"

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