Chapter 9: Fifth Prince & I

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In contrast to the car ride to Ezekiel's school, the ride back is far more entertaining. It started with the smaller brother fighting me for the front seat, arguing that calling 'shotgun' was a sufficient excuse to sit in front. Giving him a stern scolding he relents, sitting in the back like a sulky child. Sitting back in front, I clip my seatbelt in and cross my leg, waiting for Colt to start the car.

"Is something wrong?"

"I'll drop you at the house the back way. Just at the far gate at the garden's exit. You know your way around the garden right?"

Nodding compliantly, I can't help but feel curious towards his urgency. Folding my arms around myself as the chilly air conditioning of the car starts, I quickly turn to check if Ezekiel's seat belt is fastened before the First Prince pulls out of the bus lane. The blonde in the driver's seat speeds out of the school zone, still ignorant of the parking ticket already plastered on the tinted windshield.

Ezekiel, who sits the middle passenger seat, often leans forward and over the car barrier to gloat all his achievements. I was happy to listen, full aware that Theodore would never be able to take the same pride in his son. Pulling up to the mansion, Colt makes a detour and turns off the gravel road that leads the front stairs, stopping only momentarily to signal Ezekiel to hop out of the car.

The Fifth Prince, also fairly confused to why I had to be dropped off in a different location, didn't question his brother but stopped to hug me from behind the passenger seat. Promising to see me later, the boy hops out of the car, tugging his navy school bag onto his back before skipping all the way back to the front door. Colt makes sure that maids greet Ezekiel at the door to take his bag, then continues turning onto the detour road, letting out a relieved sigh.

"So are you gonna tell me why your smuggling me through the back road?" I inquire less than politely.

The blonde tilts his head to me and gives me lazy smile. "I thought I'd spend a lil' more time with you."

"Cut it, Colt." I demand, already sick of my questions constantly being dodged. "You didn't want me to go through the front door, why? "

"You really earned the title Frost Queen..." He mutters, earning a length glare from me. "Axel just texted me. Theodore and Elliot are waiting in the foyer for your return. Theodore, to whip your ass for skipping school, mind you he's paying for it."

About to make a smart-arsed comment, Colt stops me by waving his hand dismissively.

"And Elliot's waiting there because... Well I think you already know why he's there."

Nodding, I let out a distressed noise, leaning back into the seat so I can lie my head on the head cushion.

So he can watch and laugh while Theodore has me by the hair.

Colt pulls into a smooth, cement patch outside the back gates. I peer outside the window with a churning in my stomach, imagining Elliot's laughing face being the same as the time he destroyed my relationships with the little friends I had made. The blonde makes a farewell gesture.

"Go on."

"Are you not coming inside too?"

Colt looks at me directly at me, a playful yet disbelieving look in his eyes. "I wouldn't enter that house even if you attempted to drag my carcass inside."

"Who'd stop me? Your spirit animal?" I receive a hearty laugh from him at my humorous comment. Placing my hand on the door handle, I push the door so it slides to the side, leaving me with one exit and one place to go. "Why were you in my room? Never the less my balcony, if your so adamant on not going inside."

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