Chapter 12: Breaking & I

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Thank you so much everyone for all the support on this story!!
It means so much❤️❤️


"It's alright." Dominic shrugs, not even struggling to continuously hold the struggling barbie. "You don't owe me anything."

Staring down Katanya now, I place my hands on my hips in superiority.

"Even if you have drugs in your system, it doesn't give you the right to stab people." I shake my head. "Disappointing."

Dominic catches on quickly, adding onto my power display by tightening his grip around the girl's arm. She squeals in pain, clawing at Dominic's arm to escape.

"Dominic," I take a breath in. "Hold her by both arms, won't you?"

He complies, nodding graciously before taking Katanya's other wrist to pull them together behind her back. She fights harder, kicking backwards to try and beat Dominic's knees. He takes it in stride, grunting at every kick but not moving from his position. At the very sight, my blood boils.


The raven haired boy once again obeys. Another squeal from Katanya resonates through out the room, but she successfully stops kicking Dominic.

Pleasantly satisfied, I scrunch up my nose at her handbag, ungraciously splattered on the floor. The contents spilled out, I can safely assume the bags of white powder that peek out from the pink leather are what I think they are.

Only seconds pass before words seem to spiral around us like a hurricane.

"She was just stabbed at, and she's not even scared..."

"That's the Frost Queen for you."

"And Hill's just doing whatever she says..."

"Apologise." Dominic demands, leaning down towards the girl's ear. "Apologise to Leighton. You could've hurt her badly."

Now a blubbering mess, Katanya starts to sob ungraciously at his words. She opens her mouth to speak, but there's so much drool between her lips she can barely get out a sentence.

"Couldn't hear you." The boy enforces, earning a sniff from his captive.

"I..." Katanya sniffs. "I'm-"


A hand on my shoulder seems to snap me out of whatever trance I'd been under. Turning my head around, warm brown eyes stare into mine.

"Dom." The brunette speaks calmly, hand still on my shoulder. "Let the girl go. My brother will deal with her as consequence."

Dominic looks at the boy, barely even considering his presence before resting his eyes on me. Seeking approval, I nod in return, leading the male to roughly let go of Katanya. She topples onto the floor and hurriedly starts shuffling her incriminating belongings back into her bag.

As the party resumes, music is turned back up and dancers start crowding in the middle of the foyer again. Before I can return to Clemilee and Amy who beckon me toward them, the palm on my back signals unfinished business.

"What is it, Axel?" I ask, not even turning to look at him. Heat rises to my cheeks, it's not everyday I feel like a scolded child.

He walks in front of me, leaning down to my ear so I can hear him. "Let's go outside."

Tugging me by the wrist, I begin following Axel into the backyard. Looking back, I shoot Dominic a reassuring glance before stepping through the sliding door and into the fresh air.

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