Chapter 8: Monster & I

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"Where are we going?"

"You'll see."

I don't know what's wrong with me today. I nodded and reluctantly slid myself onto one of the black leather seats of Colt's Besla X4. Jamming his keys into the ignition, which I see are embezzled with noticeable rhinestones that could be no less than real diamonds, he sped out of the school's car park.

His car kicked up gravel like a beast on the road, drawing unwanted attention from a cluster of teachers already reprimanding some underage speeders.

"Could you slow down?"


"I'd really not like to die."

He doesn't respond, but I can see a visible twitch in his eye. A few minutes pass in silence before the screen of his phone lights up, showing numerous messages sent by Axel and Elliot, then even more messages sent by obvious one night stands.

Colt looks down into the cup holder where his phone rests, then back up to the road, one hand on the wheel.

"I heard what happened with your friends. My condolences."

I scoff. "Pardon, I don't know whether that was sarcastic, or whether your actually sorry."

"It's always a bit of both with me."

"I see that." Leaning back into the leather of the chair, I fiddle with the seat belt, keeping my eyes on my lap. "They weren't good friends."

"No, they weren't." Colt glances down to his wrist where a gold Rolex watch can be seen. "But you can't blame them. Elliot's a bully, you should've been more careful."

I almost laugh again. "I can't blame them for being weak-willed? Elliot may be the "Prince of Freida Prep" but he's just a boy. Same as everyone else, no more no less without the ones and zeroes in his wallet."

Colt nods in approval. "As I said before, you're different. And that scares Elliot. He's a control freak and he doesn't like it when things don't fall in line." Looking back up to the road, the look on his face is complacent. "Plus, the maids told me you picked at Elliot's, what you called 'daddy issues'."

"I was angry, and he deserved it-"

"I'm not saying you were in the wrong." He slicks his hair back, exhaling deeply. "In fact, I commend you. Elliot's been babied all his life, he needed a good slap in the face. But," He trails off. "You can't keep fighting forever."

Silence ensues, leading me to have a lengthy, one sided conversation with the view outside. Staring out the window, I notice how far Freida Prep is from the city, as most of the scenery we're passing seems to be forest.

"Is this the part where you drive off the road and kill me?"

"Not quite." Pursing his lip, he gives me a seldom expression as I look to question further. "We're picking up Zeke. He's at his school's sick bay right now."

"You couldn't have told me that before?!" Blowing a piece of brunette hair out of my eyes, I sit back into the seat. "Maybe then I wouldn't have been as reluctant to go with you."

"Out of all five of us, you like the brat the most?"

"I have a soft spot for children with shitty families." I bite back, but am immediately regretful as a dark cloud seems to form over Colt's face. "Sorry, I didn't mean-"

"I realise I'm not the best big brother in the world." He turns his face away to look into the rear view mirror, but I can't help but feel sympathy toward the expression that's plastered on his face. "But you don't have to rub it in."

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