Chapter twelve

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True to his word, he didn't chase me. In fact he didn't even look at me. In one day it was like the roles had been completely reversed. The Tremor boys all ignored me now and when I tried to get Robin alone, he would just shrug and say 'I'm not choosing sides, I am simply doing what is right'. Which was the biggest load of shit I had ever heard. Even my class had taken his side and it made teaching impossible. Abe and the team weren't back yet and Duke was getting a little more jittery because of it. There were talks for the Las Vegas group to leave but Mack said that they would be defenceless so he would rather we didn't leave just yet.

I had tried to radio back home but the distance was clearly not strong enough. Ezra had said off-handily that in Michael's ship there had been a machine that could have enhanced the transmission but since Abe and I had destroyed it, it made it impossible. Although Duke had been a little pissed off, Frankie and Mack came to my defence saying we couldn't have known and that they could have tracked the ship.

Venting my frustration I had joined Mack and Frankie in the interrogation of the Golik downstairs. Apparently, there wasn't much more he could tell us, having told us everything and anything he could tell us would be outdated or unusable. Without thinking, Mack pulled out a gun and shot the Golik straight in the head, effectively killing him. I wasn't too surprised by this, it was only a matter of time. They couldn't have kept him there forever. Mack asked me for my help to bury him and I nodded, as Frankie and I hauled out the body up the steps, Frankie holding the legs and I hooked underneath his armpits. The moment I was out of the basement, the front door to Lucy's house swung open and Michael and Robin were walking in, before bumping into Frankie and I. All eyes went to Michael who stared at the body for a moment with a look, not of disgust, just a look that said confusion. Our eyes met and suddenly the confusion slipped away and replaced was just a blank sheet of nothing. He moved out of the way and readjusting my hold, Frankie and I continued on out to the back of the house where they had made a mass grave.

Three days later and I was over it.

I had been a bitch and I was going to own up to that but he was being a sook and I'll be damn if I don't snap it out of him by today.

I marched into Lucy's house and I could hear the Tremor brothers upstairs though I didn't know what they were doing. Sounded like arguing but ignoring it I went to head upstairs when I saw Michael sitting at the dining room table eating an apple. His back was towards me but from the tension on his neck and his rigid position, he knew it was me. Taking a deep breath I walked to the table and sat opposite him in a huff.

He continued to bite into his apple staring at the table like it was the most interesting thing he'd ever seen and I rolled my eyes and blurted out, "I'm sorry okay?" He stopped chewing and looked at me in disbelief and again I rolled my eyes as I crossed my arms.

"You're sorry? What for?" He spoke slowly as he took another bite of his apple. I clenched and unclenched my fists trying to hold in my annoyance. Michael was going to drag this out I could feel it.

"I'm sorry for being a bitch alright? It was rude, obnoxious and I shouldn't have acted like that. I'm sorry." I rushed it out and Michael nodded before swallowing. "You accept my apology then?"

"Yeah, I do. Consider yourself forgiven." Was his answer and he leaned back in the chair, looking bored.

I blinked a few times, before shaking my head not understanding what was happening. Michael never treated me like this. He was always polite and quick to be over the fighting but now he was just being mean. I couldn't exactly talk but I was human, more human than Michael. I'd grown up being human while Michael didn't know any better.

"I'm glad we can be friends now," Michael added and my jaw dropped.

"Friends?" I choked out and he nodded, taking a final bite of his apple before placing it on the table.

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