Chapter sixteen

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"Fuck." I murmured and Ryan sighed heavily. "Does she have any weapons?"

"No, though she wouldn't allow us to check her," Ryan explained and I touched his shoulder in support. "There is more I need to tell you but this was the main thing."

"What could be more than this?" I asked as he walked around me and headed to the door, and with one final look at the princess, I followed him out.

"The General is dead," Ryan spoke in a monotone and I inhaled deeply in shock, looking at him to see if this was a lie. Ryan's cold dead eyes showed no emotion and I threw my arms around him quickly, fighting the urge to pull away. He seemed shocked by this but returned the hug after a moment. I held him for what seemed like forever, knowing the pain of losing a family member.

"I'm so sorry for your loss," I whispered as I pulled away and he nodded in thanks.

"We need to figure out who is going to lead and it is pretty much between you, me and Duke." The mention of Duke's name caused me to wince at his memory and Ryan stared confused. "What? You don't like Duke I know but-"

"It's not that at all." I said as I looked at my fingers and he raised an eyebrow waiting for me to continue, "Duke was killed during the taking of the city." I explained softly and Ryan clenched his jaw, shaking his head as he ran a hand through his hair.

"Jesus..." Was all he said and we stood there in the hall, thinking of the fallen soldiers and everything they've given up for us. "Guess it's between you and me."

"The General would have wanted you to take over and I'm in no shape to lead. We both know I'm a loose cannon but you, you're on the straight and narrow. You'll do what's right for the people, not basing your decisions off emotions." I was quick to reply and he nodded slowly, looking almost a little relieved by my rejection. "Besides, could you imagine me as the leader of this place?"

Ryan, cracking a small smile, snorting at the idea, "We'd all be at the Captial's door within the week."

"And all go out in a blaze of glory." I finished and we both chuckled at the idiocy of the idea. "And for the Elite's squads replacement? I think Frankie would be an excellent choice." I advised and Ryan looked at me in shock. "What?"

"I'm surprised, I thought that would be what you were leaning towards."

"Hardly! I don't want to lead people, that's not what I'm good at. I make choices off my emotion at the time. People like you and Frankie who can rationalise your thoughts are the best leaders."

"I thought you hated her."

"Who says I don't?" I teased as we began to walk down the hall, trying to lighten the dark cloud that seemed to follow us. I wouldn't speak to the princess without Michael and since he had just recovered from surgery it wouldn't be for a while at the very least. And in truth, I didn't hate Frankie. I couldn't. She had helped save Michael and for that, I would always owe her.

We went our separate ways and I sprinted down the stairs to get to Michael. My heart was beating like a drum as I flew down the stairs bursting loudly through the doors.

A stern looking Francine shushed me and I sent her an apologetic look. Smiling at me, she pointed to the end of the row of beds and I walked quickly, trying to be quiet. I didn't look at the others who lay in the hospital beds, not wanting to catch their eyes and see the pain they were in. It was selfish I know, but I couldn't think of anyone else right now. I walked past the offices and saw the windows had been covered with a tarp to keep everyone from seeing inside. From the small beeping noise, I thought maybe they were in surgery.

As I reached the end, I shuddered at the sight of Michael lying in bed, his face looking towards the white ceiling. I let out a small sob, which I quickly covered with my mouth but he heard looking shocked to see me there.

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