Chapter five

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The night we got back, I was leaning against the elevator wall with the Tremor brothers. We had decided to hang out in my room as there was nothing else for us to do. Everyone who had stayed behind would unload the trucks and since none of us was injured, not including Ezra's blackened right eye, of course, we were relieved of our duties. Little Jon was explaining what he and Robin had gotten up to, getting very animated when suddenly the doors opened and standing there was Katie. My breathing stopped and the elevator suddenly was very quiet as the boys waited to see what I would do. I clenched my hands as Katie's eye went wide before ducking her head and walking into the elevator.

My heart was pounding as I attempted to keep my emotions in check so I wouldn't crush her skull but it was hard when she was standing right next to me. I actively avoided her so that I wouldn't have to deal with her and she stayed away from me, knowing that I would not hesitate to hurt her. In fact, I believe she only got into the elevator with me today was because the boys were here and with three of them, she must have relatively safe.

The elevator seemed to take its time as it crawled to my level and the moment the doors opened, the boys rushed out of the doors heading straight for my room. Much to Katie's dismay, I lingered with my arms crossed in the elevator. I noted her hands were shaking as I glared at her, daring her to meet my eyes.

Knowing she wouldn't, I pushed off the wall and headed to my room without a second glance over my shoulder. As the boys piled through my door, knowing them heading straight for my secret stash of snacks, I heard footsteps behind me.

"Ah... Olive?" A small voice murmured behind me and my eyebrows shot up in surprise as I slowly turned to see Katie standing a few feet away from me, not meeting my eyes as she rubbed her hands together.

I couldn't muster up any words towards Katie, after all, she was the reason my brother was dead. She had single handily played a part in his death and for that, I could snap her neck. The only reason why she was still alive was because everyone had managed to stop me. Subduing me before I could get my hands on her. I noticed that there was no one else in the corridor now...

Katie was still waiting for a reply. I didn't give her one.

"...Olive, I just wanted to say I'm sorry." She began and I felt my hands slowly curl into fists. I didn't need to hear this, I didn't want to hear this. There was nothing she could say that would make me forgive her or make what she did right. "More than you can know and if there is anything-"

I didn't give her a chance to finish her sentence. I lunged for her then, grabbing her onto her shoulder before throwing her up against the wall, narrowly missing someone's door. Pressing my forearm up against her neck. Her eyes went wide as her hands made weak attempts to claw my arm away from her, though they felt like nothing against my skin.

"You listen here Katie," I hissed her name and I could hear Ezra and others coming out to see what the commotion was in the hall, "I don't want your apology nor do I need it. What you did was something unforgivable and quite frankly I could care less how you feel about it. I hope you spend the rest of your days with Ollie's face etched in your brain. You are the reason he is dead-"

"Olive," Ezra whispered harshly and I didn't listen.

"And there is nothing in this world that could change it. Oh and the only reason why you aren't dead now is because I can see how much you are suffering. Knowing you killed someone, that you are the reason that someone isn't breathing."

"Olive that's enough!" He hissed at me and with one final push away from her, I let go of her watching as Katie slid onto the floor with tears racing down her face.

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