Chapter four

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Duke shook his head as the General gave his final ruling and Frankie sneered in mine and Ezra's direction but I was already walking out of the meeting room. I didn't care what they thought, I was still a part of the response team whether they liked it or not.

As I walked into the foyer towards the entrance tunnel, I got a sense of déjà vu from the time I first got here and my stomach tightened as a lump in my throat made itself known. Had it been only a few months ago I'd run into Ryan and Reece and walked through this very tunnel with the promise my brothers were here?


Shaking my head, I walked behind Little Jon who paved the way for us and from the corner of my eye I saw Lydia and Eli, standing there, their eyes scanning the crowd. I'd not spoken to Eli since I'd walked out on him and had no intentions of now. Suddenly his grey eyes locked on with mine, the moment suspended in time and I knew he wasn't here to berate me or order me to stay. His face said it all. 'Stay alive' it said and with a sharp nod, I turned on my heels and kept walking not daring to look back.

As I entered the dark tunnel, I felt an arm grip onto my bicep sharply and instinctively I thrust my arm away, turning to see Frankie close on my tail.

"I won't be letting you or the Tremor's out of my sight so don't try any funny business. Got it Simpson?" She snapped and I rolled my eyes as I jerked my arm again this time she let me go. Clenching my teeth I headed straight through the crowd of people looking for Ezra and his brothers.

"Olive!" Little Jon boomed and I could see Little Jon's head poking out the back of one of the Jeep's windows. As I walked I wasn't surprised to see Duke sitting in the driver's seat with an annoyed looking Ezra sitting shotgun. I was surprised though to see both Reece and Ryan jumping into a truck followed by Josh, who looked terrified. I stopped short, my fists clenched as he hesitated to get in the car. Katie had shared the same kind of look when she had gone to Kanas City. My blood boiled as I climbed into the back of the Jeep before making my way to stand on the roof.

"Listen up!" I screamed and everyone stopped what they were doing to stare in my direction, "If you have any doubts on whether or not you should come today, leave. If you are here because you think you should be here, leave. If you don't want to be here, leave! We don't need people who hesitate in the face of danger, you'll end up getting yourself or others killed. I'm not saying you can't be scared. I'm scared to," I lied, "but if you hesitate you will die, you aren't prepared to take a life, then beat it."

There was a moment of silence as everyone let my words sink in before slowly people would get out of the cars and walk back inside. By the time the last one closed the door, we were left with a half of what we had. I noticed that Josh was nowhere in sight but glad to see Reece and Ryan were still there looking at their weapons.

Before I could jump in the Jeep with the guys, Duke turned around to Little Jon and Robin and said something to them. Frowning with annoyance, both of them got out of the car slamming the doors behind them. Ezra got out as well though he crossed his arms, leaning against the back door. I raised my eyebrows at Robin as he walked past me. "Since we don't have many proper fighters, they didn't want to put all of their 'best fighters' in one car." He explained as he walked towards another empty vehicle. Little Jon gave me a quick hug before dragging his feet after Robin. Shaking my head, I walked to Ezra who opened the door for me as I climbed into the back seat.

"Nice speech Olive, now half of our force is gone. Way to motivate the troops." Frankie remarked slyly at me as she climbed into the back as she fiddled with the new turrets. I sighed knowing she was trying to get a rise out of me but I couldn't help myself. Maybe she was hoping that I would die out there today so she wouldn't have to deal with me anymore.

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