Chapter 7

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" Duskstar?" I wake up to a voice coming from outside her den. I wake up dusk star with a shove, then I pull my claws out of the floor and stand to the side, claws out.

"Huh? oh, yes?" she looks at the entrance questionably when a cat doesn't walk in. "hello? who is this?'

"Duskstar. I knew it." The voice comes from outside of the den.

"Come in." she gets up and fluffly her fur out. I do the same, even though I'm invisible.

" Are foxes a danger to you?" Please say no.,, don't admit a weakness to a stranger!

"No. Of coarse not." duskstar meows, obviously doing what I thought she should have.

"Very well. I knew that would be so." the cat meows again.

"Err. who are you?" she twitches her tail for me to stay put. I don't listen of coarse.

I pad out of the den and gasp. the- this.... cat. it didn't smell familiar. is it another clan? I didn't know. it-she looks my way and sniffs the air, giving off a smile. " I hear you little one. "

She pads of and I meow, "wait! your small, but who?"

" We will meet again! soon enough."

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