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I turn to say, "I reckon he still thinks he's a kid too."

Delilah nods her head three times. "Oh, yeah. All the brothers are the same. Big kids."

"I get that impression," I sip on my tea, making a face when I notice she hasn't added the sugar.

Sensing my turmoil, Delilah slides over the sugar cubes and spoon. "I wasn't sure if you took it sweet or not."

"I have a major sweet tooth. I'm greedy with it," I reply.

"Since when did he start saying, mama?" Levi calls over, and Delilah almost drops her mug on the floor.

"What?" she screams, running into the living area. "He doesn't talk yet. Did he say, mama? Say it again, Beau baby."

Levi lets out a loud shout, tipping his head back, laughing so hard Beau starts to join in. "Gotcha!"

"Levi Larsson," Delilah cries, reaching over to thump him hard on the arm. "You evil man."

"You're too easy."

Beau whines when Delilah picks him up, holding him close. She glares at Levi. "You're annoying."

"Ah, don't be like that, babe."

The door opens and shuts, heavy footsteps sounding out before Edward appears, dressed in sweaty workout clothes. Beau lets out an almighty squeal, his legs and arms moving back and forth.

"My boy," Edward shouts, striding over to Delilah, stealing the baby from her arms. He lifts Beau into the air. "Do I get a kiss?"

Beau smacks him in the face with his palm.

"No kisses for daddy?" he replies, blowing a raspberry on Beau's tiny hand.

"Look, Beau," Delilah says, sliding up to Edward's side, kissing him on the lips. "Daddy loves kisses."

Edward growls. "Damn right he does."

Beau lets out a series of babbles in an answer.

Delilah pecks Beau on the nose, turning to Edward to do the same. "Baby Beau's turn. Mwah!"

"Ga, ba, ga, ba, ga, ha, ba!" says Beau.

Edward snorts. "What you saying, little man?"

Beau blows a raspberry.

I giggle out loud, and Edward looks my way. My mouth shuts tight, no noise able to escape. I get the feeling that Levi's eldest brother doesn't trust me.

Edward stares hard, mouth tipping up ever so slightly. "All right?"

"Hey," I squeak, sipping my tea, looking anywhere but at him.

"I'm going to shower," he places Beau on his hip. Little man needs changing?"

Delilah nods. "Yeah, the new nappies are in the carrier bag in the bathroom."

"Got it," he leans down, so Beau is face to face with Levi. "Give Uncle Lee a kiss?"

Levi puckers his lips, waiting patiently. "Don't leave a dude hanging, Beau."

My heart melts in my chest.

When it's obvious Beau has no idea what to do, Edward tilts him forward so Levi can give him a big smooch on the lips.

Love Rush (LarssonSiblingSeries#4)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu