Start from the beginning

The last thing I want to get back to tonight is mess.

Why are you standing for it?

Grow a pair, Tilly!

I use rubber gloves to pick up Jonas' s mess, not sure if it's contaminated with drugs. The stains on my sofa will need scrubbing off and I'm not sure the stains on the carpet are salvageable.

I put the rubbish bags near the door to take down to the garbage bins. There's two full sacks of crap. I'm sure there's no food left in my cupboards. Jonas obviously needing it all after coming down from his drug-induced high.

The dish cloth is filthy when I finish wiping all the surfaces down, the house smelling of  Lavender Zoflora disinfectant. A difference from when I first walked through the door.

When it's time to leave for the shelter, I find Jonas asleep on my bed, the sheets crumpled up on the floor. Deciding not to wake him - it's more trouble than it's worth - I head on out to catch the number nine bus.


I stroke Tilly's cheeks and take in her beauty, not able to resist kissing her plump lips. We decided to take our ten minute break together tonight, leaving Pat and the other volunteers out front. 

"You make every problem melt away, Lee," she whispers, stoking her fingers over the hairnet on my head.

I frown, not liking the trouble lines she's sporting. "You okay?"

She sighs, falling on to my chest. "Can we go back to yesterday?"

My groin buzzes at the thoughts of us naked. Stop. "We can do it again at the weekend. It's free until Tuesday."

"Can we?" she almost shouts, looking to be excited by the idea.

I nod, playing with her earring. "You bet we can. Betty has a show on Friday night. If you come to it, we can travel down to the cabin's instead of home."

"Oh, thank you," she takes hold of my jaw and forces my lips open, our tongues starting to dance. She tugs back. "It'll be wonderful.

You'd think I gave her the world.

"You're welcome, sweetheart," I envelope her in my arms. "You sure you're okay?"

"Just grateful," she whispers.

We stand in silence with me rocking her side to side while she talks about the fun we're going to have at the cabin. Listening to her excitement is only fuelling mine.

"We could bake in our pyjamas," she says, gripping me tight around the waist.

"I'll make sure the cupboards are stocked with cake and cookie mix."

Tilly tilts her head upwards. "Let's stay in our pyjamas all day on Sunday and watch a film. I've always wanted to do that."

Oh, baby.

Now you're breaking my heart.

It's as if she's never been able to do these things.

"We can do that too."

"And take a long bath together. That'll be nice."

I let out a low groan, burying my nose in her cheek.

Tilly starts to giggle, pulling back. "You're all stubbly."

I rub my beard against her soft skin. "It's usually longer, but it needed trimming."

Tilly strokes her hand down my stomach. "I've always fantasied over the feel of a beard on my thighs."

I gulp.

Tilly reaches up to stroke her fingers along my jaw. "Maybe you can make my fantasy come true at the weekend?"

"Maybe," I stutter, thinking that I'll have to google a few questions first.

Oral sex.

That's a new one.

"Will your family mind us using the cabin?"

"No," I laugh, knowing dad will be grateful someone is using it so he can tell himself the building wasn't a big waste of money. "The cabin was bought for us all to enjoy."

Pat pokes her head through the door. "Ten minutes are up, you two."

"Okay, Pat, we'll be right out," Tilly sings, her mood lifted.

We work the kitchen service like the professionals we are, laughing, joking and taking on people's woe's. The men all stare at Tilly as she serves up their food, totally oblivious to how smoking hot she looks.

I smile on the inside, knowing the beauty over there is in my bed at night, caring for me. And, me her. It's an extraordinary feeling. One I never want to go away.

Tilly comes over to change the spoons for the peas and carrots, stopping by to give me a quick peck on the lips. We get a few hoots from the crowd, but I ignore them, going in for a second kiss.

"Get in there, Levi," someone says.

Tilly pulls back and scowls at said person. "Knock it off, Eric."

Eric lifts up his hands, going back to eating his food.

Tilly gives me a sweet smile. "Kissing in public? Levi you're a changed man."

I spoon the mashed potato on to a plate, grinning until it hurts. 


Thank you for reading, lovelies! ❤️

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