The Next Step

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-Mark's POV-

"Thank you all for coming out tonight," the DJ announced over the audio system, "Last call has arrived. Be safe getting home!"

I looked around for Jack. I had lost count of the times that he had disappeared, whether it was getting another drink from the bar, or chatting with fans. I wasn't expecting him to stay with me the entire night. That would have been just plain selfish, but I really wish he would stay in one place for more than a few moments.

One of the lights hit his bright green hair, and I spotted him giving the bar tender a tip for the evening. He saw me, and waved with the excitement of a newly adopted puppy.

"Maaaark, over heeeere!" he slurred very loudly. "Can ya see meee?"

A couple of cute girls giggled at his words, and I sighed heavily and headed over to where he was.

"Did ya have a nice time?" he asked, giving me another tight hug, his blue eyes unfocused.

"Yes, I did," I said, grabbing his arm to hold him up.  "Let's get home."


The taxi ride home was a bit nicer. I hadn't really been lying to him when I said that I had a nice time, but I really didn't want to go to a club again any time soon. It was fun spending time with fans, but the loud music would be still ringing in my ears for hours.

He spent the taxi ride back humming to himself, and snuggling up to me. Even though I was worried about all of the drinks that he had, I couldn't help smile at him. He was a pretty adorable drunk.

"Mmm," he said, giving me a kiss on the cheek, the smell of whiskey mixing in with his aftershave, "I love ya soooooo much."

"I love you too," I said, ruffling his hair.

We arrived back at the house, and I helped Jack out of the car and paid the driver. Holding hands we entered the house, Chica greeting us.

I went into the kitchen and grabbed a couple of small bottles of water, and headed to the stairs to see Jack leaning against the wall at the bottom of the staircase. He looked completely dumbfounded.

Me: Are you ok?

"When did we get stairs?" he said, his body swaying slightly.


"Just stay down here," I said, heading up the stairs with the water, "In your condition you are going to need some help getting to the bedroom."

Thankfully, he didn't try to argue, and stayed where he was. After placing the bottles of water into the bedroom I came back down to help him upstairs.

"Ok," I said, grabbing a hold of his waist and placing his left arm over my shoulders, "Just hang on to me and let's take it one step at a time."

It was a very slow climb. Between him getting confused by which foot the use next, and the constant pauses to give me hugs.

"Did I ever tell you that are jus' wonderful?" he asked, smiling stupidly and kissing me on the cheek as we finally made it into the bedroom.

"Yes, about thirty times in the last hour."

"Oh, I have?" he said, looking puzzled again.

I placed him on the bed and immediately regretted it, as he pulled me down on top of him with a loud hiccup and giggle.

"Here," I said getting up and placing a cold water bottle in his hand, "Please drink this, ok?"

His eyes, blurry and half lidded, looked at the bottle curiously, as if he wasn't sure what it actually was.

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