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"Eddie-bear, are you all right? You seem a little nervous," Mrs. Kaspbrak questions, concern written all over her.

"I'm fine, mom! Pffft, me, nervous? Haha..what makes you think that?" He nervously responds.

She raises her eyebrows and watches as he picks at his plate of food. He's never been a heavy eater, but he usually cleans his plate before bed time. She could tell there is definitely something wrong with him tonight. After all, he's been bouncing his knee all dinner.


"I'm not feeling so well, mom. D-Do you think I could be excused from dinner? I feel like going to sleep early..."

She stares at him oddly before finally curtly nodding her head.

"I guess so, but if you get hungry later, don't come crying about it. Also, sleep with your door locked tonight, I'm working on fixing the front door lock."

Eddie nods his head before quickly slipping out of his chair and hurrying to his room.

As soon as he enters the room, he shuts his door and stumbles to lock it. When he turns around, he's met with the sight of Wren sitting crisscrossed on his bed— blowing up a condom.

He crinkles his face in disgust.

"Your mom still has condoms laying around," she giggles, letting the plastic go. It makes a hissing sound and flies across his room as the air releases.

He stumbles to pick it up off his floor, and throw it somewhere his mom won't see it.

"You're so gross, Bee! And could you have been any louder? My mom isn't deaf, you know, she's just—"


"Oblivious. Don't call my mom fat!" He defends, throwing her a demanding finger.

She giggles and nods her head, "Sorry, baby. You know I was kidding. Really though, I snuck some condoms for us."

She winks, and he turns a bright shade of red that could noticed even in the dark.

"Shut up. Let's go before I change my mind," he mutters through the burning embarrassment he feels showing in his brightly colored cheeks.

Wren walks towards his window, and opens it up. She throws him a smug glance before climbing through it, and hopping onto the grass outside his window. Eddie shoves a few things into his fannypack before he follows her lead.

As soon as his feet hit the ground, a weird sense of adrenaline feels his bones.

The air blows cold against their skin as they hurry away from the house and down the road. They stop at her car, and climb in. She begins driving down the road.

"W-Where are we even going?" Eddie questions, allowing the girl to hold his hand as she steers. In all honesty, he doesn't care where they're going as long as he gets to be with her.

Wren smiles, "to the Quarry."

"The Quarry?!" Eddie shouts.

Now he cares.

"Are you insane?! Baby, no. Ever heard of hypothermia?—"

Wren rolls her eyes, "you can't use the "baby" card on me now, Kaspbrak. We won't get hypothermia! It's summer, and it's not even cold outside."

Eddie pouts, "you're insane, Bee. I-I just want you to know that I would never do this for anyone else."

Wren smiles.

Anaphylaxis [IT 2017]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum