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"I don't even know who you are anymore

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"I don't even know who you are anymore."


"Are you alright, Stany?" Wren questions, turning her head to the boy.

Through out the entire ride she could tell that something has been bothering him— more than usual. She knows because he won't stop bouncing his leg, and his breathing is a little heavier than normal.

"I-I'm fine," he insists. "Don't you ever get tired of driving us around? Especially me. I know you always spend lots of gas money—"

"No way!" She cuts in. "I will never get tired of driving you home. That's how I know you're safe. I care about you a lot, and I wouldn't ever want you to get hurt while biking home late. Plus, your house isn't that close to the other loser's houses."

By now, Stan looks to be really nervous.

He can't take it anymore!

"Stop! STOP! STOP!" He shouts, causing Wren to panicked-fully park the car on the side of the road. She turns to him with a bewildered expression.

"What?! Stan, are you okay?! Do you need—"

"NO. I'm not okay, and I don't need anything from you," He shouts, stepping out of the vehicle and slamming the door. He leans on the hood of her car, looking to be having some sort of episode. On the bright side, his house is just down the road. He could walk from this point if he really wanted to.

Wren is extremely confused right now. Did she do something wrong? She can't remember anything she said that could've angered him. Nervously, she steps out of the vehicle and raises an eyebrow.

"Stan, what the hell was that about? Listen, I'm right here if you need me...I really love you! I love all the losers, even though I never say it physically—" she rants.

Stan's eyes widen.

More and more guilt seems to eat at him.

"Shut up! Shut up, Wren! There's something I need to tell you," He interrupts nervously. "I-I'm sorry, I'm so sorry..."

"Sorry? What for?" She softly questions. Now she's starting to get nervous.

"We've been lying to you! We all have! I-I'm so sorry, I-I didn't want to! I said no—"

Her eyes widen, "STAN. What have you been lying about?!"

"BILL NEVER LIKED YOU! He was only taking you on dates, and kissing you so we could use your car..." he finally shouts. He flinches at how loud his voice comes out, and he feels a heavy weight lifted off his shoulders.

Wren is silent for nearly a minute.

Then, anger consumes her like the fires off hell could light up gasoline. She lifts her fist and punches the curly haired boy square in the nose.

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