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Two days later, and Wren begins to feel a little more like herself.

After everything that's happened, she feels wiser. A little more sane than before, and a little more at peace. Just a little, but still, more than before.

All things aside, she misses Eddie like crazy. She can still feel how soft his lips were on hers, and how something in the pit of her stomach sparked whenever they're lips connected. She's never felt that spark before. Not with Bill, or Bobby, or whatever other guy that's kissed her.

With all the time she's had to think, she's decided that Eddie is special.

Two days is enough to forgive someone. She forgives the losers club, putting everything that happened past her. There is only one thing left to decide: should she see them today? Or wait till tomorrow as planned.

"Bee, a boy dropped a note off for you yesterday while you were out. I think it's quite beautiful," Nona chimes as Bee enters the living room.

"You can't read," she snorts, "you're blind."

Nona rolls her eyes, "yeah, well, I can imagine that it's beautiful! I could tell by the way his hands shook when he handed the paper to me."

"Who was it?" Wren asks with raised eyebrows. She takes the paper from her grandmothers hands.

"7 billion people,
14 billion lungs.
14 billion eyes,
7 billion hearts.

The only person I see is you,
You are my inhaler.
God knows I have a bad set of lungs."

"I didn't catch his name, but I feel as though his voice was familiar," Nona chuckles. "What does it say?"

"N-Nothing!" Wren blushes. She holds the paper to her chest with a blush. Nona throws her a skeptical look as she rushes to her room.

"Teenagers these days," she scoffs.

When Wren gets to her room, she quickly tapes the paper to her body length mirror. She knows exactly who sent her the poem. Ben probably helped his write it. Now that she's read the poem, there's no doubt about how she feels towards Eddie Kaspbrak.

She sighs.




A few seconds later, the blind lady is stood at her door frame.

"I feel like I'm in love with this kid, but I'm only 15 and I have little to nothing to offer him."

Nona laughs, "what's his name?"

"Eddie Kaspbrak," She sighs, "and he's so damn cute."

"Why do you say that you have nothing to offer?" The lady questions, stepping further into the room and sitting on the bed.

"Well...remember the whole...Mr. Keane thing?..." she trails.

Nona tenses up, "did that sick man touch up again? I swear to god I'll cops again. We have a restraining order, I'll get his ass out in jail—"

"No no no," she interrupts, "he didn't touch me."

The woman relaxes, "okay. Then, what does he have to do with any of this?"

"Well, it's just...in a really serious relationships, don't you end up...ya know."

"Oh god," Nona laughs. "Honey, sex isn't the only thing you have to offer as a woman. Plus, I'm sure this Eddie kid doesn't even care whether he was to be your first or not. A relationship is made from love, not just lust. If I were you, I'd simply discuss the incident, and if he has any issues then he isn't true."

"How exactly do I talk to him about something like that? We're just—"

"Kids or not, shit happens. Kids or not, you can still fall in love. Kids or not, you still live in the real world. Just be straight about, and if he loves you he'll understand," Nona hums, standing and leaving her room.

Wren smiles.

"Thank you!"

The very next thing she does is speedily gets dressed, and rushes to her car. She drives into town to meet Nicole, and she knows she'll see Eddie there. She knows it'll be hard to ignore him.

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