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Wren wants to end her life. Bobby and Nicole have been making out the entire time she's been here, and Eddie is no where in sight. Right now, their cars are parked by each other. Nikki and Bobby are leaned on his car's hood, and Wren is sat on her own.

"Do you two plan to suck face all day?" Wren annoyedly mumbles.

Nicole pulls her face away from Bobby with a smirk, "jealous?"

Wren gags.

"As if. No offense, Bobby, but your lips are as thin as paper—"

"Hey! Don't hate the player, hate the game."

"I am hating the game. Your game is weak, bro," Wren snorts. Bobby flips her the bird and throws his arms around Nicole's small frame.

"Where your little boyfriend, Denbrough, anyway?" Bobby questions.

Wren shakes her head, "not my boyfriend. We kissed a few times, got in a fight, and that's it. Plus, I'm diggin someone else right now. Got a steady thing goin'."

Bobby laughs, "pffft, what do you consider steady?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Wren chuckles. "And 3 days+ is steady enough, isn't it?"

Nicole giggles at her friend and shakes her head. After the party incident, Wren realized how responsible Nicole could really be. She made sure Wren was safe, and she probably would've killed Henry if she knew what happened. Nicole actually seems to care about Wren's well being, and Wren finally sees that.

Bobby rolls his eyes at the girl response, and sips from his soda pop.

"Who do you got the hots for now? And why do I feel like it's someone within Bill's kitty gang?" Nicole smiles.

Wren blushes in response before muttering, "it might be. It's...Eddie Kaspbrak."

Bobby spits out his drink, causing Nicole to scream.


"You mean fanny-pack geek?! C'mon, Bee! Have some self respect—"

"Bobby don't be rude," Nicole frowns, trying to stop the argument she can feel coming on. However, her voice is too small to be heard over the argument that's already begun.

Wren narrows her eyes, "I do have self respect, asshole. That's why I dumped you, and am going for a guy that knows how to treat a lady!"

"He's never been with one, how the hell could he possibly know how to treat one?!" Bobby argues.

"I should be asking you the same thing, Bob! How is that a boy who has no relationship experience knows how to treat his girl better than you! You treat Nikki like she's a piece of shit that you can kick around when you get bored," Wren snakily replies.

Bobby abruptly stands up and walks towards the girl's car.

Wren stumbles back a bit, not expecting the sudden approach. Nicole jumps into action quickly, standing in front of Bobby and pushing him back.

"Stop, Bob!" The blonde begs, "sit down. She didn't mean it! Tell him you didn't mean it, Bee!"

Wren squints her eyes.

She meant it. She definitely meant it, but she really isn't in the mood to get her assed kick. So she gives in and reluctantly mumbles, "I didn't mean it."

Bobby, still annoyed, sits back on his car. Nicole sighs in relief before throwing Wren an apologetic look.

"Anyway," Nicole leans back into Bobby's car, "are you playin' hard to get or somethin'? I never see you around them anymore. Like you're avoiding them."

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