Leaving the Orphanage

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Cheryl's POV -

Yes, I know who they are. Its not like I live under the rock or something. I live in an old orphanage where we have an old radio who catches signals whenever it wants to. This is that band Maddie used to listen at high volume whenever their songs came on that radio. I am pretty sure their name is something that starts from One. One Reduction? One Illusion? If Maddie would have been here then she would've definitely gotten their autographs by now.

Maddie. How much I miss her.

But right now, I have a bigger problem called OneBand.

The one beside me, Lou, and his four friends were staring at me, like waiting for me to say or scream or laugh.

But then the four boys smiled and waved at me, warming my heart just from that little act.

"What's your name, love?" One with the black quiff asked me.

"Cheryl." I said, my shy side kicking in.

Why now?!

"How old are you?" The boy with blonde hair and intense blue eyes asked. His eyes are so...dreamy.

"Twelve." I replied, smiling. It felt really strange that a world famous boyband was asking me. They asked various questions, from favourite colour, food, books, hobby.

They seem quite friendly. It took them a little urging to get me out of the shell and talking, but I felt comfortable around them quickly enough.

After like 10 minutes, the one with brown hair and brown eyes stopped the others.

"So, Cheryl, would you like us to adopt you?" He asked me.

Alright, I didn't really expected a band to adopt a child. I know these famous people like to do charities, but they do need to understand that this is really different. These people seem genuine, I will tell you that. Living with 5 teenage boys? This was beyond my vivid imagination.

This certainly would be a vast improvement from the orphanage, but they would be more like my brothers than parents, wouldn't they? I mean, they couldn't be much older than 20.

I was still lost in my thought-forest when someone entered the office.

"Sirs, have you-- Oh, there you are Cheryl! Where were you? It's not a good thing to go out without telling anyone."

The familiar voice of the witch-lady came to my ears. Going with the boys would also mean to be away from this lady. So, why not?

"Mrs. Field, right? We think, we want to adopt Cheryl. We just asked her if she wants to come with us." The curly hair boy says. I am in love with those curls.

"And I've decided." I said, kicking my shy side. "I would be happy to come with you."

The boys smiled at me warmly and then at each other.

"Oh, okay." Mrs. Field said, didn't really expecting that I would be getting adopted by a band. But then I think she had the same thoughts as me that I will be far away from her, cause she hurriedly continued. "I had your documents done. Sirs, if the five of you would sign at the bottom of this page, you can be off. Cheryl, go and pack your bag."

I happily went upstairs. The witch-lady was now sounding like she was more ready for me to exit this orphanage.

I quickly packed my few belongings that included my t-shirts, two jeans and my books. Then I, without forgetting, took the friendship bracelet from the window-sill.

Maddie have the same matching bracelet.

Clasping it around my wrist, I made my way downstairs to see the quiff boy standing at the bottom.

Adopted by that OneBand! | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now