[ 21 ] Mean Girls Incarnate

Start from the beginning

Oh shit.

I turned around to see Clara walking around with her hand crossed over her chest. Sure enough, her stomach was swollen. God, she looked like a pufferfish, with her hair in all direction like she's just flown out a plane. I mentally rewind an hour ago to when she was on set. I'm pretty sure she wasn't as podgy then. Her head whipped towards Harley as she gave him the middle finger and storms away.

A thought entered my head as my face drops. Hah, the scenario sounded awfully like in Mean Girls like when-
I paused, a thought entering my head.
Mum couldn't have... I sprinted dramatically to the kitchen and when the door opened my mum shot me an apologetic smile.


You see, that was probably the moment where I thoroughly regretted introducing my mum to Mean Girls since they had clearly inspired her little act. I was about to scream at her when she held her hand up, "Sorry Mckayla, but that Spanish bitch was annoying me," I froze, surprised. I'd rarely heard my mother swear. "Besides this wasn't my idea..."

If it wasn't her idea then he's could it-
Oh. I don't say anything and instead turned around, prepared to go on a man hunt for River. Someone wanted to die before Christmas.

"Kayla honey, wait!" My mum called after me and I begrudgingly paused. I didn't know if I was proud of her or annoyed or a bit of both. "He's only doing it because he likes you, you idiot! You're perfect together! He's the cheese to your chalk?"

I shot my mum a wierd look. Was she right in the head? Actually, I already knew the answer to that. I'd followed in her footsteps after all. "Uh mum, you do know that chalk and cheese don't go together?

Point proven.

She crouched down, checking the dodgy pastries that were in the oven. "You know what I mean. Why else would he suggest it?"

I paused for a moment contemplating. He did practically shove one in Joel's face-
"Shut up, Makayla," I said to myself, awakening from my stupid daze. Just because I had never bothered to interact with men didn't mean that he hadn't either. I mean with woman. Like for him, not me. Calm yourself Mckayla.
Before I could do anything stupid, I walked away.

I had better things to think about. Like my birthday which was in two days.


I'd always been extra about the little things. I'd always thought that they still should mean a lot. Which was why I was currently making a list of what I want for my birthday tomorrow, and sending the message to my family. Talk about last minute.

I did need a new phone since my current one had developed an attraction towards the floor ever since it had arrived in America.
I quickly typed chocolate too.

I jumped a little when River walked into the hotel after going to the golf course near the hotel. "Hey Kayla, I forgot you'd be here. What are you doing?" He asked, cheerily strolling in.

The bugger wasn't missing a single opportunity in bringing the fact that my family had kicked me out of my room. I chose not to take the bait. "Not much, how was it?"

I watched as he lay back on the bed sighing, "Alright, pretty boring actually." We fell into a comfortable silence and after a few moments, I pulled out my phone again and continue adding stuff to the list.

Thorntons or Lindt?

"Hershey's!" River says behind me, as I find that he's been letting at my phone for the last minute.
I shrugged my shoulders pursing my lips, "I don't know... Thornton are pretty good?"

"Wait, can you buy Thorntons chocolates in Ney York?" I asked him. Or were they not available here.

I panicked for a moment at the thought of a world without Thorntons.
"Nope, not here," he says before gesturing dramatically. "But why would you need Thorntons when you have Hershey's?!"

My mouth drops. Was he for real? I stammered for a moment, trying to gasp the concept. "So- so you've never had a Thorntons chocolate?"

He chuckled before imitating me me, "So- so you've never had a Hershey's chocolate?"

I hadn't to be fair.

"Prick," I smacked him on the arm, a faint smile at my lips. How desperate was I to prove my point?

I bitted my lip. It wasn't like I was going to be in New York forever. I wasn't like I was going to be working with River forever?

I grinned standing up before grabbing my coat, "Right, I'm going to introduce you to the world of Thorntons."

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