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Song: Ain't Nobody - Felix Jaeh, Jasmine Thompson

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Song: Ain't Nobody - Felix Jaeh, Jasmine Thompson


When he took a step towards me, I grabbed a long plaited pastry pointing it at him whilst balancing the other two plates in my arm. I wasn't going to take any chances on somebody that drugged me on first meeting. And no, I wasn't going to let that go.

"Put the Danish down," he said dramatically.

Okay, this was pathetic.

I lifted my arm even higher, making his lips lift at the ends. "Chill out a little, Kay." I shrugged my shoulders. There was nothing wrong with being precautious, right?

"What are you doing?" I asked at him, unsure, as he dropped down to the floor, laughing. Again. I swear that I'd be able to identify his laugh from a hundred with the amount of times I'd heard it.

River threw his hands up in front of him in defence, his hand reaching towards my lace. I watched as his fingers quickly tied them up, before backing away with his hands still in the air.

Something about having another person tie my shoelace made me feel really weird, and I felt a knot in my stomach form.

"Right, now you're just taking the mick out me," I said, whilst plumping the plates on the bed carefully. His room here was pretty similar to me with the black colour theme, only slightly bigger.

He dropped down in the bed, making me glare at him when one of the pasties jump from the plate into the bed. I lift the plates and put them in the desk. "I wouldn't dare to do that," he said putting his hands behind his head and watching me.

"Of course not," I responded sarcastically. "Hurry up and eat! We need to go to Sixty Street Viaduct later today for the shooting. God, and then I've got to decide on the costumes with Harley. Jeez, that's gonna be torture," I panicked remembering that I needed to think of a way to bring some of the props with us. My eyes widened as I realised that I hadn't sent half of the team there yet to section of part of the bridge for shooting. "Crap! How am I going-"

I froze midway through my panic attack when I felt a hand wrap around my arm, and pull me backwards. I stared at River for two minutes making him playfully smile, "Stop being a frigid frog and sit back with me."

I glared at him. I was not a frog. And I definitely wasn't frigid. Maybe I had a lack of relationship skills but I definitely wasn't frigid.

"Close your eyes," he said, as I tried my best to wriggle away from him.
I protested, "I have things to do! I can't just sit here doing nothing! I've got to meet up with the-"

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