Chapter Twenty-Six

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They had Kate's body on a bed, Kaya was sitting next to her and Dean tried to help Sam as he struggled with Kate's death.

Charlie watched them and he knew he couldn't sit there and just let it happen. He had to do something for Kaya and Kate.

He slipped out the door while no one was paying attention, then he made sure he had everything he needed before he drove away to a crossroad. Once he got there, he buried a little box of his things and waited for the crossroad demon to appear. He looked around and still didn't see a demon.

"Charles Malakai Lancaster. Never thought I'd see you," The crossroad demon chuckled behind him. He turned around to face her. "The names Bella, sweet cheeks. And what can I do for you? Oh! Wait! Let me guess. One of your beloved daughters died? Kate, right? Yeah. Word travels fast in hell."

"Can you cut the crap?! You know what I'm here for. Let's get to it." Charlie growled.

"Geez. Alright. But there's gonna be a slight change in our little.. deal." Bella grinned at him, her eyes flashing red.


Kaya had her head in her hands when Kate suddenly gasped awake and scared the living daylights out of the other three.

"Kaya?" Kate asked, looking confused.

"Kate?" Sam questioned.

Kaya got up and looked around the room, finally realizing that Charlie was gone. She looked to Dean who had realized the same thing as her.

The door opened, making everyone's attention turn toward the direction. Charlie came walking in and saw Kate. He smiled at her slightly.

"Good to see you alive and well, Katie." Charlie said with a small smile.

"Dad.." Kaya said, tears in her eyes as she walked up to him. Kate instantly knew what was going on after what Charlie said.

"I'm sorry, Kaya. I had to for you and Kate." Charlie said, sadly.

"But you got ten years right? Like everyone else? Right, Dad?" Kaya asked him, hope in her eyes. Charlie just sighed as he stared at her.

Kate got up and walked over to him, hugging him tightly, beginning to cry.

"You can't leave us. Dad, you can't leave us." Kate cried. He hugged her tightly and pulled Kaya in for a hug.

"I love you girls. More than anything." Charlie said.

Sam looked over at Dean who was staring at the small family of three in front of him. His eyes soft and sorrowful.

They stopped hugging and Charlie looked to the boys.

"You two take good care of my daughters. I mean it. Don't make me crawl out of hell to beat the crap out of you, alright?" Charlie asked them and they both let of a small chuckle.

"Yeah. Will do, Charlie." Dean said and Sam nodded.

"We love you, Dad." Kaya told him and he smiled at them before he suddenly collapsed on the floor. Kate went to his side and he looked up at her, still smiling before he passed away.

Later that day, the four of them gave him a Hunters Funeral. Kaya and Kate burned his body together and they waited until the very last flame went out before they all left. That day changed all of them. They'd still be themselves, but they'd still be very different at the same time.

They all went back into the motel room and sat down.

"So.. what happens now?" Sam asked, Kaya looked over at him.

"We keep doing our jobs. We keep hunting. We keep saving lives." Kaya said, simply. Kate nodded in agreement.

At this point, the only thing Kaya was really thinking about was that, not only did they lose Charlie, but Dean only has a few months left and they need to find a way to save him.

The Longest Journey (Dean Winchester Fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن