Chapter Twenty-Three

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Kaya woke up when someone was shaking her.

"No.. five more minutes." Kaya whined.

"Get up, Kaya." A gruff voice said, but it wasn't Dean's. Her eyes shot open to see Charlie.

"Dad?" Kaya asked. She looked over to see Dean sitting on the other bed.

"Hey, Kaya." Charlie said.

Kaya got up and moved her hair to one side as she looked up at her Dad.

"When did you get here?" Kaya asked him.

"About an hour ago. Dean and I have just been talking." Charlie replied. Kaya looked over at the clock which read 12:00pm.

"Damn. I gotta get up." Kaya sighed.

"While you get yourself up and ready to go, I'll go see Kate and Sam before I have a discussion with you. All of you." Charlie said, sternly, looking at Kaya and Dean. He walked out and Dean let out a breath.

"Your Dad scares me." Dean said, his eyes widened. Kaya rolled her eyes at him.

Kaya got up and quickly got herself presentable before her Dad came back over which wasn't long. Sam, Kate and Charlie all walked in and Kate had a serious look on her face while Sam just looked worried. They both sat down while Charlie leaned against the wall and crossed his arms. Silence took over the room for a bit as Charlie stared everyone one of them down. Kate and Kaya couldn't even make eye contact with him, they just kept staring at the floor.

"So, wanna fill me in on what's been going on for the last three days?" Charlie asked and Kaya and Kate exchanged a glance before looking at him. "Don't think I didn't hear about what you guys did. And you two! How could you get my daughters involved like that! Do you have any idea what this could do to them?!" Charlie pointed at Sam and Dean.

"Dad! It's not their fault." Kaya said as she stood up.

"Oh, really? Whose fault is it then?" Charlie asked her, anger in his voice.

"Look, we killed the Yellow Eyed Demon, alright?!" Kaya shouted at him.

"You sure did, and you opened the gates to hell while you were at it. So, what? Do you want a gold star now?" Charlie asked her, sarcastically.

Kaya grew furious from him acting like this. He had know idea what kind of hell they were all going through.

"You have no right to say ANY of that crap! Did you know that while you were off hunting- who knows what- Kate had to go to the hospital? She almost died from blood loss. I tried calling you several times and you never picked up. I even left you voicemails. Also, Sam here died saving Kate and the only way Dean could save Sam, was to make a damn deal and now he only has a year to live," Kaya explained to her Dad and his expression completely changed. "Oh, and don't let me forget, we saw Mom. Yeah. She was a ghost, but we still saw her just before she disappeared."

Charlie just stood there and stared at Kaya, not knowing what to say. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

Dean sighed while he watched the two argue. It reminded him of his Dad and all of the stupid arguments they had; the arguments he missed having.

"You saw your Mom?" Charlie asked her, his eyes tearing up. Kaya nodded to him.

"Yeah. We did." Kaya replied.

Charlie sat down and sighed, looking at his girls. At that moment, he was thinking of what they've been through, and noticed how much they have grown and how he should've been there for them so many times, and yet, they always came when he needed help.

"Who- Who killed the Yellow Eyed Demon?" Charlie asked. Everyone's eyes went straight to Kaya. Charlie looked to her. "Kaya, I-" Kaya cut him off.

"Look. We're here to do a job so either you're in or you're out. Your choice." Kaya said before she grabbed her jacket and walked off outside.

Charlie sighed and looked to Kate. She just slightly smiled at him before looking away.

"Katelyn," Charlie said and she looked back to him. "I'm so sorry I wasn't there when you were in the hospital.. if I had known.."

"Dad, it's fine. It's whatever. I know you were busy." Kate shrugged.

"I'm, uh, gonna go check on Kaya." Dean said before he left.

He walked outside and saw her standing next to her car, leaning against it as she looked at the sky.

Kaya heard footsteps walking toward, so she glanced over to see Dean.

"Hey." Dean said.

"Hey." Kaya replied.

"Find something interesting? Maybe Superman?" Dean joked with a small chuckle. Kaya smiled at him.

"No. Just.. thinking." Kaya said and went back to staring at the sky.

"About?" Dean asked her, leaning against her car as he stared at the sky with her.

"I used to look up to my old man. All the time. But at a certain point, I think I just stopped. Went my own way. Not that I wasn't gonna be there for him anymore or anything because I always was, always am. Whenever I can. I just.. don't see him as a role model anymore. He does things alone.. that's not a good thing, for anyone, hunter or not, you shouldn't be alone, ever. Especially with our kind of job. You know?" Kaya asked Dean and looked over at him, realizing that he was already staring at her with a smirk. "What's that smirk for?" She giggled. Dean just leaned in a kissed her.

"I love listening to you talk. I love how down-to-earth you are, how you don't take crap from friends, or family, or anyone, but still care about them anyways. I love those things about you." Dean told her, softly, and she blushed and cleared her throat.

"Well.. that's just who I am." Kaya smiled at him.

"Hey, lovebirds." A voice said from behind them.

Kaya turned around to see Sam, Kate and Charlie.

"What's up?" Dean asked them.

"Ready to do some research?" Sam asked and Kaya nodded.

Before Kaya could walk off, Dean took her hand in his own and intertwined their fingers and walked with her back to the motel room.

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