Chapter Five

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"So, you sure you don't wanna stick around another couple of days?" Kaya asked her sister.

"I can't. Sorry, Kaya. I've got Quinn to come back to." Kate said and Kaya sighed.

"What're you gonna tell him about your wrists?" Kaya asked her.

"I'll figure something out." Kate said with a small smile before closing the car door and walking into her apartment.

Kaya was about to drive away when she heard Kate scream. She got out of her car and busted down the door then frantically searched around the apartment for Kate until she found her in her bedroom.

"Kate?" Kaya asked and walked up to her. Kate was staring at something and then a dead body came into view. It was Quinn. There was blood everywhere in the room. Kaya took Kate and went back to the car with her the called Dean.

"Kaya?" Dean asked.

"Dean. We've got a problem." Kaya said.


Kate was sitting on the motel bed, staring at her hands in her lap while tears fell from her eyes.

"Is she gonna be okay?" Dean asked Kaya.

"I don't know." Kaya sighed, looking to her heartbroken sister.

"So, what happened?" Sam asked.

"I heard her scream so I ran in and I found her staring.. at Quinn's dead
body which was pinned to the ceiling. There was blood everywhere and then within two second, he went up in flames," Kaya explained and the boys just exchanged a glance. "You guys have seen something like that before, haven't you?"

"Remember when we told you our mom died in a house fire?" Sam asked and Kaya nodded. "Well she did, but it was exactly like that."

Kaya's eyes widened as she looked between them.

"Oh my god.. so thats how she really died. I'm so sorry." Kaya said.

"It's okay. It was a long time ago." Dean said, trying to reassure Kaya.

"Dean, if there's one thing I know, it's that something like that.. is never okay. Doesn't matter how long it's been." Kaya said and Dean nodded.

"I'm gonna go check on, Kate." Sam said. He walked over to Kate and sat next to her, rubbing her back.

Dean stared at Kaya for a moment.

"You know, I never told you this but Sammy had a girlfriend awhile ago and I convinced him to go on a hunt with me for our Dad. When I took him home when we finished, she was pinned to the ceiling and then she went up in flames." Dean explained and Kaya looked to him.

"She died the same way your mom died?" Kaya asked him and he nodded.

"Yeah." Dean nodded.

Kaya thought it was weird. First their mom, then Sam's girlfriend, and now Kate's boyfriend.

"Dean, what's doing this?" Kaya asked him.

"The yellow eyed demon." Dean said and Kaya furrowed her eyebrows.

"Yellow eyed demon?" Kaya asked.

"That's who my dad has been," Dean sighed. "Had been hunting."

"Had? Dean.. your Dad's not.." Kaya trailed off and Dean looked away. "I'm so sorry, Dean."

"It's fine. Really. It won't do anyone any good to sit around and mope about it." Dean said. Kaya just nodded to him.

"So uh, I was thinking.. maybe she should stay with Bobby until she recovers." Kaya said and Dean thought for a moment, looking over at her.

"It's not a bad idea. Kate probably just needs some time to herself." Dean said.

"Yeah. I just.. I can't have her slow me down. I'm still looking for our Dad but he just really doesn't want to be found." Kaya said with a small sigh.

"Yeah, I was in the same boat once." Dean said and Kaya looked into his green eyes.

"Dean.. what if.. what if you, Sam and I went hunting together again?" Kaya asked him and he smiled.

"You wanna hunt with us?" Dean asked her and she nodded. "Hey, I'm up for it." Kaya smiled.

"Good." Kaya said.


"You gonna be okay staying with Bobby?" Kaya asked Kate who nodded. "Okay. I'll call you every once in awhile, okay?" Kate nodded to her again. Kaya hugged her sister tightly before going over to Bobby.

"Don't you worry about her. I'll keep an eye on her, okay?" Bobby asked and Kaya nodded to him.

"Thanks, Bobby," Kaya said then she handed over her keys to her car. "I'm hunting with the boys again, so I don't need my car.. for right now. I'll be back for her though. Take care of her but most of all, take care of my sister."

"I will." Bobby smiled. Kaya sighed and hugged him before leaving with the boys in the impala.

"Where to?" Kaya asked.

"We found a hunt in California, so that's where we're headed next." Sam said.

"Great! Can't wait." Kaya said.

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