Chapter Seven

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"Are you alone?" Kaya's Dad, Charles, asked. Kaya walked outside.

"I'm outside now. Dad, what's going on?" Kaya asked him.

"I need your help on a hunt." He said.

"What kind of hunt?" Kaya asked.

"Demon." He replied and Kaya sighed.

"Dad, I can't." Kaya said.

"What? Why?" He asked.

"It's kind of a long story." Kaya replied and glanced around.

"This is the first time in awhile that I've called you for help because I really need it and you're not going to come?" He asked.

"I'm sorry. I-" Kaya couldn't finish her sentence because he interrupted her.

"There's no excuses, Kaya. Either you're helping or you're not." He said. Kaya grew angry from his response but she always listened to her Dad anyways... unlike Kate. Kate didn't because Kate wanted to do her own thing.

Kaya sighed and bit her lip as she thought for a moment.

"Alright. I'm in. Where am I headed?" Kaya asked him.

He told her the location and hung up then she went back inside.

"There you are. What were you doing outside?" Dean asked her.

"I was feeling nauseous. I needed some fresh air after.. all of this." Kaya said with a breathy chuckle.

"Well, as long as we stick to the plan, you'll be fine." Dean said.

"Yeah, I know." Kaya nodded to him.

Dean smiled before he walked off. Kaya looked over to the key holder on the wall and saw her keys hanging from it so she quietly grabbed them and snuck back outside. She got into her car and drove off in it.


"Have you guys seen Kaya?" Kate asked as she came down from upstairs. They all exchanged a glance and shook their heads.

"Last time I saw her she had just come back inside. That was about a half hour ago." Dean said.

"Wait, what?" Kate asked. She walked over to the door to look outside when she noticed that Kaya's keys were missing. "Shit.. Guys! She left in her car!"

"What?!" Dean shouted. He took out his phone and called her but it just went to her voicemail. "Kaya. Call me as soon as you get this."

"Why would she just leave?" Kate asked Sam.

"I don't know." Sam sighed.


Kaya pulled into the parking lot of the motel and it was pitch black outside. She saw her Dad standing outside his motel room, waiting for her. She got out and walked over to him.

"Dad." Kaya said. He hugged her and smiled.

"Hey, Kaya. Your sister isn't with you?" He asked.

"No. I thought you just wanted me to come." Kaya said, confused.

"It's fine. Don't worry about it. You're a good enough Hunter for this hunt." He said and Kaya felt slightly offended but shrugged it off.

"Right." Kaya nodded to him.

He walked into the motel room and Kaya followed him but something felt off about him. She just wasn't sure what.

"So do you know where the demon is?" Kaya asked him after she sat down.

"Yeah. It's been going from house to house down this one street and killing people at exactly twelve am," He replied and her eyes widened. "We're gonna go after it tonight."

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