Chapter Nineteen

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Ellen had tears in her eyes and nodded. Kaya immediately embraced her into a hug. Ellen was like second mother to her and Kate. She took care of them and treated them like her own daughters, and Jo and the girls were like sisters.

"W-Where's Jo?" Kaya asked and looked around. "She's not.." Kaya trailed off and Ellen shook her head.

"She's fine. She's hunting on her own now." Ellen replied.

"Thank god, she's okay." Kaya sighed in relief.


Bobby poured her a shot of holy water and slid it toward her.

"Bobby, is this really necessary?" Ellen asked him.

"Just a belt of holy water. Shouldn't hurt." Bobby said. Ellen sighed and drank it, putting the glass down and sliding it back to him.

"Whiskey now, if you don't mind." Ellen said.

"Ellen, what happened? How'd you get out?" Kaya asked her.

"I wasn't supposed to. I was supposed to be in there with everybody else." Ellen replied with a scoff. "But we ran out of pretzels, of all things. It was just dumb luck. Anyway, that's when Ash called. Panic in his voice. He told me to look in the safe. Then the call cut out. By the time I got back, the flames were sky-high. And everybody was dead. I couldn't have been gone more than fifteen minutes." She took the shot of whiskey.

"I'm so sorry, Ellen." Kate sighed.

"A lot of good people died in there.. and I got to live. Lucky me." Ellen said, her voice cracking up as she took another shot.

"Ellen, you mentioned a safe." Bobby said.

"A hidden safe we keep in the basement." Ellen replied.

"Demons get what was in it?" Bobby asked her.

"No." Ellen replied and took a map out of her pocket.

"Wyoming. What does that mean?" Dean asked and pointed to the black outlines on it.


Everyone was down in the books, trying to figure out what that map meant.

"I don't believe it." Bobby said and set the book down on the table. Everyone looks up at him.

"What? Did you find something?" Kaya asked him, setting her book down like the rest of them before walking over to him.

"A lot more than that. Each of these X's Is an abandoned frontier church— all mid-19th century. And all of them built by Samuel Colt." Bobby said as he pointed to the X's.

"Samuel Colt— the demon-killing, gunmaking Samuel Colt?" Dean asked him.

"Yep. And there's more. He built private railway lines connecting church to church," Bobby said as he pointed them out. "It just happens to lay out like this." Bobby connected the points on the map until it created a star and Kaya's eyebrows rose.

"Oh my god," Kate said. "That's like a hundred square mile devils trap." She has a surprised look on her face with a slight smirk of amusement.

"That's brilliant! Iron lines. Demons can't cross that." Dean said.

"That's just insane. I've never heard of anything that massive." Kaya said.

"And this thing still works?" Dean asked.

"Definitely," Sam said and everyone looked to him. "All those omens Bobby found. I mean the demons, they must be circling and they can't get in."

"Well, what's so important that they're trying to get in?" Ellen wondered.

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