Chapter Twenty-One

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Kaya stood up with Kate off of the ground and walked over to the boys. Kate went straight into Sam's arms and Kaya stood next to Dean, staring down at the dead body that Yellow Eyes possessed.

"So, guess we can check that off of the to-do list," Dean chuckled lightly and looked to Kaya. "Thanks to you.. Kaya." Dean smiled at her.

She looked at everyone around her. Her family, her friends.

"Yeah. But I didn't do it alone." Kaya smiled at them.

"So.. I guess both of our parents found a way to climb out of hell." Kate said and they all smiled.

"Well, I guess if anyone was stubborn enough to do it, it would be our parents, huh?" Dean said with a chuckle.

"Where do you think they went?" Sam asked.

"Somewhere better, I hope." Kaya said.

"You know, I kind of can't believe it," Sam said. "I mean, our whole lives.. we've just been prepping for this.. and now that it's over, I don't know what to say." Sam said.

Dean glared down at the dead body and leaned over.

"Well, I do. That was for our Mom, you son of a bitch." Dean said.

"And ours, too." Kaya said and Dean looked up at her with a small smirk.


Kaya saw Kate and Sam saying goodbye to each other and when she looked over, Dean was walking to the Impala and taking his keys out.

"So, you're leaving then, huh?" Kaya asked him and he turned around to look at her as she walked over to him.

"Yeah.. got places to be, people to save." Dean nodded.

"And.. were you trying to leave without saying goodbye to me?" Kaya asked and he sighed, looking away.

"Yeah.. I guess I just didn't know what to say." Dean said.

"Alright, well then I won't stop you from leaving. See you around, Dean." Kaya said, harshly, before she tried to walk away but then he took her arm, spinning her back around his direction. She looked at him curiously before he suddenly pressed his lips to hers.

They broke the kiss and Kaya looked up at him wide eyed.

"You.. and Kate.. could come with Sam and I.. if you want." Dean smirked at her.

"Why? You gonna miss me?" Kaya asked him.

"Yeah, actually I would.. a lot." Dean said, and Kaya was surprised he was actually so straightforward.

"I would miss you too." Kaya said and he hugged her tightly.

"Come with us." Dean whispered.

"Okay." Kaya said and he backed up with a grin.

"Really? You will?" Dean asked, excitedly. Kaya nodded.

"But! I'm taking my own car. I miss driving my baby." Kaya said and Dean laughed.

"Deal." Dean said. Kaya smiled and kissed him before walking over to Kate.

"Come on, Katie. We're going," Kaya said. Kate looked sad and kissed Sam then Kaya laughed. "No, you dummy. We're going with them, we're just taking my car."

"Really?!" Kate asked, ecstatically. Kaya nodded to her sister.

Sam immediately picked Kate up and twirled her around and she laughed and hugged him tightly after he put her down.

Kaya said her goodbyes to Bobby and Ellen before she and Kate left in her car.


A/N: Hey guys! Sorry this chapter was short but I had to cut it off somewhere so I could get to the next place they were headed to! Hope you guys are enjoying it though!

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