adventure |e|

Começar do início

"What are we doing today babe?" He asked.

"Kayaking" you said excitedly driving down the road.

You pulled up into the parking lot and parked the car.

"We should have a kayak race" Ethan said grabbing his bag.

"Oh so you want to lose? Cause you know I would win" you said sarcastically.

"Sure sure whatever helps you sleep at night" he said stepping out of the car.

You and Ethan walked hand in hand to the small little house looking building. It looked like a log cabin you would find in the middle of the woods.

Walking in you saw a bunch of photos of kayaking and outdoor activities that the place must've done.

You approached the girl that was working behind the counter.

"Hi can I help you?" She smiled.

"Hi we're here for kayaking with Oliver? We're scheduled for 11:00 a.m?" You checked your watch, it was currently 10:45 a.m.

She began to type on the small computer in front of her.

"Yes you both are scheduled for 11 a.m. Oliver just stepped out to go pick up something he should be back in 5 minutes, so if you want you can have a seat and I will call you when he arrives" she smiled pointing you both in the direction of a few chairs.

You and Ethan smiled at her to thank her.

You both sat down on the chairs. You laid your head on his shoulder as he pulled out his phone.

You both began messing around with Snapchat filters cause you were that kind of couple.

"Ethan! (Y/N)!" A male's voice sounded fro the counter.

You both looked up to see a shaggy haired fella who was suit up for kayaking.

"I'm Oliver" he smiled walking over to you both. "Now lets get our kayak on!"

He took you guys outside where the kayaks were and gave you both life vests.

"So first I'm gonna help train you guys really quickly and then we'll head into the water" Oliver said handing you and Ethan paddles.

Oliver proceeded to teach you both the basics of how to paddle and what to do in certain situations. And with that you both headed into the water.

You, Ethan and Oliver had your own kayaks so that you could race Ethan later.

You began to paddle out into the beautiful reservoir, Ethan to your right.

Oliver began to ask you and Ethan questions like where you both were from, how long you two had been dating and so on.

You and Ethan laughed about how Ethan was struggling to paddle while you were like a pro.

"And you said you want to race" you mocked causing the instructor to laugh.

"Ha, ha, ha" Ethan laughed sarcastically. He tried to turn his kayak to fast causing him to flip into the water.

You burst out laughing as Ethan popped out of the water now soaking wet.

He gave you a playful smirk before swimming over to your kayak flipping you over.

It's a good thing you and Ethan left your phones and valuables in the locker.

You popped out of the water gasping.

"Ethan!" You began to splash water at him.

"You had it coming Babe" he laughed while failing to splash you back.

"You're lucky I love you" you rolled your eyes playfully before swimming back to your kayak.

"You guys are adorable" Oliver commented.

You all finished your route and we're starting to head back to the shore.

"Ready for that race?" You asked Ethan, quirking up an eyebrow.

"Ready as I'll ever be" he said getting his paddle ready.

"3,2,1" Oliver announced and with that you and Ethan were off. You began to paddle at a faster pace but still with control, whereas Ethan just started throwing his paddle around.

It wasn't much of a surprise that you won the race.

You did a little happy dance cheering as Ethan got out of his kayak.

"What do I get for winning?" You put your hands on your waist.

"This" Ethan leaned in and kissed you.

"Now we both win" he smirked.

What an adventure you both had.

And that's that. This imagine was meant to be like a first date but here's more like just an adventurous date.

Oh my god so I'm gonna go see Thor tomorrow with this cute guy oh my god pray ya girl doesn't make a fool of herself. 💖💖 I'm probably gonna post another imagine tonight tbh.

dolan twins imagines Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora