clumsy |e|

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summary : in which a clumsy Ethan almost causes you to lose your job

your pov :
It was around 4:30 in the afternoon and you were almost done with your shift at Dylan's candy bar.

You adjusted your uniform as you headed out to the front of the shop. A new batch of candy had arrived and you had to unload many boxes. You walked up the ramp into the truck. Picking up a clear box of unpackaged m&ms you walked out the truck, unaware of two teenagers on skateboards that were headed your way.

ethan's pov :
Grayson and I were out for a ride around the neighborhood on our long boards. I've been practicing some new tricks and I wanted to test them out at the skate park only a few blocks down.

I turned around to face Grayson, "do you wanna grab something to eat after the skate-" "Ethan watch out!" Grayson yelled cutting me off. I turned quickly causing me to stumble off my skateboard.

My skateboard flew right at the feet of a girl holding a big box and her next step just so happened to be on the skateboard below her feet. Her body flew to the right and the box in the air. She landed on her back and the box broke spilling thousands of m&ms. My hand flew to my mouth while i started running to her.

"Oh my gosh I am so sorry. Oh my gosh I'm so sorry. I feel terrible." I extended my hand to her and I finally saw her face. Oh lord. Way to go Ethan. You just made a beautiful girl fall and spill all her candy. I mentally slapped myself in the face for my stupidity and clumsiness. She groans while trying to stand up.

"No it's okay, it's fine" she softly smiles while clutching her back.

"Are you okay? You took a pretty hard fall there, I just-" "(Y/N) (Y/L/N)!" I heard a loud angry voice come from inside the candy store.

your pov :
Your head whipped to the store front to see your manager fuming at the sight of all the m&ms spilled on the sidewalk.

"What the hell happened?!" He yelled. "Mr. Paxton I can explain, please" you tried to come forward. "You're gonna pick up every last piece on the sidewalk and I'm taking money out of your check to pay for this" he stammered, about to head back in the store.

The cute but clumsy boy stopped him. "No please allow me to pay for everything. It wasn't her fault at all, I was clumsy and allowed my skateboard to hit her. Please I will pay for every piece of candy." He began taking his backpack off.

"No it's okay I-" you attempted to stop him but he cut you off. "I won't let him take money out of your check, it was my fault" he pulled out a check book. "How much?" He asked, ready to write a check. Your boss looked skeptical but nodded. "I guess, but you're still not off the hook (Y/L/N)" Mr. Paxton glared at you. "Hey Grayson, can you go in there and fill out the check for me?" The incredibly cute guy asked his twin. The other boy who you now knew as Grayson, nodded and headed into the shop.

The boy sighed and faced you. "I really can not explain how sorry I am" he kneeled next to, helping you pick up m&ms. "It's okay...." you lead on waiting for him to say his name. "I'm Ethan, Ethan the clutz" he shook your hand. "And you're (Y/N), the girl with a very angry boss" he laughed. You couldn't help but giggle.

"You don't have to help me pick these up it's okay" you smiled. "No I'm gonna help you (Y/N), it's the least I can do to help a pretty girl that I made fall" he replied nonchalantly. You looked up at him blushing hard. Hell you looked like a bright tomato. "Thank you, you're pretty cute yourself" you say softly earning a chuckle from Ethan.

"So what do you do when you're not working at this glorious Dylan's candy bar" he emphasized the word glorious making you giggle some more. "I like to go to the skate park down the street." Ethan contain the big smile on his face. "That's actually where me and my brother were headed" he laughed at the coincidence. "You skate?" His shock was evident. You just nod while dumping the m&ms that filled your hand. "We um" he cleared his voice. "I mean um you should come join us if you're finished soon" he tilted his head which was so fricken adorable. "As a matter of fact I'm done with my shift. Well after I finish picking up these m&ms" you attempt to joke around. He laughs with a little smirk at your sad attempt to make him laugh.

With all the m&ms now in the trash you wipe your colorful palms and turn to Ethan. "So I'm gonna go change and I guess we'll go?" Ethan followed you in the store to be met with his brother. "Yea we'll wait here" he replied. This was crazy. You almost get in major trouble with the boss, meet a cute guy who just so happens to be really cool and get invited to tag along to the skate park. You almost didn't take the opportunity because he's a stranger but honestly, you had nothing to lose.

You walk into the employee locker room and change back into your clothes. Taking one last glance in the mirror you pick up your bag and your board and head out the door.

Ethan and Grayson were browsing the various candy selections, they didn't even hear you come out.

"Lets go" you smile but before you can leave your boss stops you. "You're lucky those boys paid for all the candy, I'll let you slide this time but next time it will be much worse, understand?" His stern voice proclaimed. "Yes sir, I'll be here extra early tomorrow" you attempt to make him smile. "That's what I like to hear" he gave a side smile. He leaned in close to your ear and said, "go have fun at the skate park, they seem like good boys" he gave a happy grin. "I will, thank you so much Mr. Paxton." You wave him off and head out with two new friends, one of which would soon be your boyfriend, but that's a whole other story.

(A/N) request something guyyyysssss . I had such a long day and I honestly just wanna write. I don't really like how this one came out but 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️ . But please request , I love requests :)

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