38. The Deliberate Move...

Start from the beginning

Damon's back stiffened and an odd orb of anger lit his raging eyes. Hints of golden were to be seen even. His hands were balled up into fist over his jeans and I could've sworn to hearing his phone crack in one of his fist. "The Pack? Who even told them! They couldn't have known about it on their own."

"Yes, the Pack Damon. As in our very own Pack. And as far as it is for your hunch about someone tipping it off to them, again you're correct. Stephanie was one to suggest it and the other stronze Heads followed. I managed to make her understand to keep it aside, to not mention a word of it to the Pack but somehow, word got out she said." Kaden said, rolling in eyes. "She's in your meeting hall as of right now."

Kaden lead the SUV speeding in the gates and towards the entrance of the place now my home. Damon had bolted out his door before the cars engine could be killed and went racing upward and onwards to the house leaving me and Kaden to speed jog on his trail. "Kaden, what's with all CommonWealth Game that's enraging Damon? What is the CommonWealth Game even?"

We lowered our pace to a mild speed walk as we approached the flight of stairs. He sighed. "It's called the 'CommonWealth Game' with the intention that it's anyone game. These Ranks we use aren't fixed, well at least not during the Game and after. They become a sort of chess game during this period, you can say. Regardless of the position. Anyone who can play the right move, can win the end game. It's essentially means 'Common Wealth' for anyone to gain a hold off."

We were at approaching the end of the stairs with no Damon in sight. "Now the CommonWealth Game though, are a bit complicated to understand so listen carefully. Essentially all it really is, is a gigantic wrestling match." Pauses with a grimace. "With no rules or referees to constrain you as you fight to death or even a fight to the first one standing and not bleeding to their death sort of fight fight with one another for the Alpha and Luna position."

My blood runs ice cold and my heart pains to beat. Fight? First one not bleeding to death?!

Kaden takes down a hall opposite of the bedrooms and to the end of the hallway where he rolls apart the sliding door. Inside was a large gigantic round conference table, nearly polished with furnished leather seats at the edges and a radiant diamond chandelier dangling overhead. Long, lengthy windows the size of doors were over the far cream wall, arch domes traced with gold and were craved into the walls above each window.

At the end of the table was were they all were gather. Damon, Stephanie -in a spotless lemon blouse and pencil skirt, heels with her charcoal hair swaying behind her, Hunter, Rossi, Carter, Jace -all in sweats and tight fitting shirts, all staring hungrily at me and Kaden approaching. Walking slower than ever I follow Kaden, feeling ever so grateful for his broad shoulders for one.

"You can't mislead the Pack into wanting the CommonWealth Game behind our backs! You never once thought to run it by me or Kaden!" Damon was heads on with Stephanie -who seemed to have been a tad bit, too calm to not have practice what to say beforehand.

"What's the point? You've had your Mate for quite some time and I haven't see you planning it now have I?" Her icy, sincere sounding tone made me want to retch. "Besides it's not like you need any time to train, since the objective is to test our dynamic Alpha-Luna couple. The game should've been held the day after the meeting your Mate."

"So that makes it okay to hold it for today evening?! They literally haven't been off a flight for an hour yet and you want them to go fight their assess off with with everyone, male or female who challenges their authority!" Kaden exclaims.

"It's not fair for the Luna especially. She doesn't know anything that's happening," Hunter defended. Good. One person I can trust between Caption control freak and Mr.Im-too-drunk-to-give-a-fuck.

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