I thought it was disgusting that he was going to take their money and send them away believing everything he was saying. No doubt he’d be back to suck them dry each month until they finally realised that he was clearly bullshitting them by picking up on facial expressions.

I thought I was going to get away with it, he was just feeding a little old granny news about her late husband and then there would only be a few minutes left. He wouldn’t have time to pick me out of the crowd so I was ready to run for it as soon as he walked back onto the stage at the front.

Remember when I said I had the shittiest luck? Yeah well he asked everyone if they would mind hanging around a few more minutes because he had one more person to help. He pointed at me and asked my name, I wasn’t going to answer him but Ollie nipped my leg to scold me for being rude. I told him my name was Kris and I chuckled when he nodded like he had already known and he was just double checking, that earned me another nip.

He told me that as soon as he had spotted me he had been getting strong visions and he needed to share them with me because he felt they would change my life. I sighed loudly and Nathan couldn’t help his quiet chuckle earning a scowl from Ollie making him blush deeply.

I raised an eyebrow waiting for him just to get on with it so that I could escape this place and get back to the city centre for a drink. He cleared his throat and closed his eyes, how very theatrica,l now I was totally going to believe everything he told me how clever is that?!

Rolling my eyes and ignoring Ollie I glared up at him so that he would cut the crap and just get on with it. He looked back at me and told me a man would enter my life, oooh goody maybe he could teleport one right here maybe I was wrong. I waited for him to continue and he described the man to me, people whispered as they clicked on that I was in fact gay but I ignored them. I was used to it.

He told me that I would meet this guy unexpectedly, he told me he would be tall, dark and extremely handsome. Ok now this was becoming slightly clichéd, I mean I am fully aware that I had asked for exactly that but I never meant it, it would be nice but I am not that bloody conceited. I am not a buff, toned and tanned guy off tumblr. I am a pale Geordie boy who has barely seen a ray of sunshine in the last three years why the hell would a tall, dark and handsome man choose this?

This clown in front of me continued to tell me that I wouldn’t expect him, that he was not from around here and that I would have a big decision to make as he had an important job. He told me he could see water, bright lights and loud noises. That’s when I had, had enough and I rudely held up my hand to stop him right there.

He addressed the room with a sardonic smile and told them that they all had a cynic in the room. The buggers all chuckled along with him and against my wishes I instantly turned a deep shade of red. Right enough! I glared at Ollie and she finally realised that I was done and she nodded her head saying we could leave.

She thanked the dickhead at the front while I forcefully dragged Nathan from the room, I climbed into his car and I was in a huff all the way back to the city until Ollie placed a pint in front of me. I heard them enter a conversation but I was still trying to calm down enough so that whatever came out of my mouth next would not be childish.

When I had forgotten about that man I tuned into the conversation between the other two and they were talking about the air show. I had been going to that thing every year for as long as I could remember, once you’d seen the planes it wasn’t that exciting but being at the beach if the weather was nice was always fun.

“The weather is actually supposed to be hot so I think we should go to the beach at least. Maybe we could take a picnic and some booze?” Ollie asked Nathan.

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