Extra Special Interview with the Delinquents

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*walks into the room like a freaking model*

"hello readers of Dear Diary: My Delinquent it is I your wonderful author! I am here to interveiw the characters of Dear Diary: My Delinquent!  Can I get a round of applause for Tessa and Colton Winters,  Melissa Dart and Jake Marshal!

*crowd goes absolutely wild*

"hello girls and boys thank you for coming onto the show today!"

*jake sarcastically replies* "not like we had a choice!"

*I stop being sweet and snap at him* "shut up Jakey poo I made you!"

*I go back to being all sweet and innocent*

"anyway as I was saying before I was rudely inturupted please welcome our guests!"

*crowd of readers go crazy*

"So first question for Ms. Winters  how do you feel about falling for your adopted brother?"

"well DJ it's not that bad. it has its perks! I mean we both live in the same house and our parents are ok with our relationship so...*

*tessa smiles prettily like I made her*

*I smile wonderfully*

"so Colton how is it to like your adopted families daughter? "

*colton gets a little nervous*

"um well DJ I love her and that's all that matters"

*colton blushes and gives tessa a loving look*

*my readers awwwwwwww*

"That was so cute. So moving in to our big fat lairs!"

*I snap my attention to Mel and Jakey Poo*

"So first question.  Why would you lie about your sexuality to not only your best friends and readers AND LETS NOT FORGET ABOUT ME."

*I stand up yelling but then sit back down awkwardly*

"well DJ maybe its cuz....UR SO CONTROLLING AND MADE ME DO IT."

*Jake screams like he thinks hes going to win.*

*I roll my eyes*

"sheesh your so dramatic Jake. go hump a duck"

*jake gets all frustrated but sits down and intertwines his fingers with Mels*

"Now a question for Ms. Melissa the girl who is Tessa Winters best friend and ALSO lied about her being lesbo"

*jake gives me the look like hes about to pounce at me*

*I glare at him and stick my tongue out at him*

"down doggy."

*he screams in frustration but sounds like a constipated horse*

"well, like jake said. It is how you made us do it!"

*mel answers so politely unlike Jake the evil twerp*

"so Tessa how did you feel about Colton giving you that promise ring?"

*Tessa adjusts her Sleeping with Sirens shirt*

"Lets be honest DJ I was scared he was actually proposing and I was just like hell no I love you and all but were only 16"

*our readers laugh and then awwwww*

"and Colton how are your anger management classes?"

*I smirk at him.*

"wellllllll DJ your the one who took me out of them like after the 2cnd chap!"

*he replies like the sassy boy I made him (and hold in his anger like I made him)*

*I smirk evily at jake and pull out a purple shrivly thing behind my back*

"yo, jake remeber this? you almost took out an asian woman for this! "

*he glares at the scarf*

"well DJ I had to keep up my 'gay' act for Tessa or she would suspect something."

*I look out Into the crowd of readers.*

"Lets save that asian woman and just give Jakey poo his very gay scarf"

*Tessa and Colton snicker as I throw the scarf makeing it wrap around Jakes head*

"Maybe we should end this  before I have to put my precious Jakey Poo into those anger management classes ya?"

*jake gives me the eye like hes ready to kill me but cant cuz his suspenders might get caught on something*

*crowd cheers for Jake and Mel to kiss first*

"make them happy since this is the only update they are getting until friday" 

*Whistles blow around while Mel and jake kiss awesomely*

"Now how about we get to the real deal lets get our delinquents to kiss!"

*crowd almost faints from the hotness of their kiss*

"Thank you for coming readers and give ine more round of applause for Tessa Winters, Colton Winters, Melissa Dart and bitch fit Jakey poo!"

*My hot and strong body gaurds restrain Jake from strangling me*

"Oh and remember Jake u kill me u kill yourself too"

*he snarls*

"its worth it"


Dear Diary: My Delinquentजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें