Dear Diary: My Delinquent...Chap 25

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Dear Diary,

You wont believe it but Dr.Brown called my parents and said the best thing ever! I quote, 'with my dear apologies for giving your family an atrocious scare but I read over Tessa results for a second time and realized I had made a mistake. You daughter does not have leukemia.' Oh, and Colton ran off after our sweet episode in the hospital. Just great... he doesn't know that I don't have leukemia.


I threw the pen at the wall. Im pretty sure ive done that before. Throw it at the wall. Stupid Colton. Ok, so maybe he didn't run off {like leave the house} but its felt like he ran away {to me}. My parents called me last night telling me what the doctor said. I was floating on cloud nine.

Your probably wondering where the hell my parents are. Well they left for some work convention thing in New York. Which meant Colton and I were alone...for three weeks. Yippy. Note the very light sarcasm.

"Cooooooolllltooooon" I sang through out the house. I got off  my bed and made my way down the hallway to his room. Nope, he isn't there. I heard a quiet groan from down stairs. I know exactly what he just did. he totally just ran into the corner of the kitchen counter. I took off for the kitchen.

There he was holding his hip hissing like a cat. I smexy cat...enough Tessa! I smirked. "Aw is my Coley poo in pain?"

When he glared at me and then I suddenly got stern. "do you know?" I questioned.

When he grinned happily I knew he did in fact know. He kept his breath taking smile on his face as he came up to me and lifted me up and twirled me around. I wrapped my legs around his torso. It felt amazing. "I am taking that as a yes." I giggled and kissed his nose. Then a thought struck me. "Why didn't you come see me last night." I whispered in sadness.

He looked guilty and stayed silent. He put me down and leaned against the counter. His sleeve rode up a bit and that's when I gasped. He so didn't just do that last night.

"Colton..." I trailed off breathlessly. Seeing the cut marks made the air out of my lungs go poof.

I trailed my finger tips up both his arms. "Change your shirt," I whispered loud enough so he could hear though. When he gave me the 'wtf?' look I rolled my eyes. "I want you to wear a short sleeve shirt." I gave him the puppy face. When he sighed dramatically I knew I won!

He went up stairs and changed. He came back down with a plain black {short sleeve} shirt, black skinny jeans and a dark blue beany. Not to mention his signature converses and the Sleeping With Sirens bracelet...which I will one day succeed in stealing. {A/N LOL}

He smirked. "Get dressed. Were going somewhere."

Ooooh I wonder where!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~DEDICATED TO @LunaLunes~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

BAM ur so lucky I did what I did.

But I love u all :} btw I had a long chap written but it was deleted and yea :'{

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