Dear Diary: My Delinquent...Chap 26

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Dear diary,

I may have an idea to where Colton is taking me. I mean hes not going to murder me, right? No, of course not im just being stupid.



I bottom lip was in the postion of what people would call a pout. Colton was being an unreasonable brat! Because he wasnt telling me where he was taking me. Which isnt fair!

"I have a hockey game tonight." I groaned just remembering. He smirked realizing that i did in fact forget.

"I know. I keep track just in case you dont." Again with that smirk. One day I will slap off that smirk with a spoon.

I practically squealed in excitement when he pulled up to the almost broken down building. "No. WAY!" 

He gave that cute boyish grin that I loved so very much. "Way."

I ripped the door open and slammed it. I was so excited when he had that ugly green back pack slung onto his shoulder. "Colton what if we get caught by the police again?" I asked worriedly.

He rolled his eyes. "Its Saturday. What library is open on Saturday?"

I shrugged my shoulders not even bothering to try to win this one.

I was on cloud nine when we reached the back of the library. He dropped the back pack that contained tons of spray paint.

I giggled when I saw our names.


He led me to the back of the store and out the back of it which brought us to a graffiti wall. I couldnt help but notice that he had the ugly green back pack with him. "We are not vandlising an book stores wall." I said firmly. Colton narrowed his eyes at me. "You said that you were bored now lets have some fun." He had an point though. I was bored.

"Fine!" I growled. I took one of the spray paint bottles and wrote my name in clear red cursive writing. Colton wrote his name next to mine. I then decided to be an dare devil and write 'delinquint' with an arrow ponting to his name. Colton pursed his lips making him look really funny. "The can slipped." I made an lame excuse.

He glared at me then marched over to my name and wrote 'good girl' with an a blue arrow pointing to my name. "The can slipped." He used my excuse in an inoccent voice. If I didnt already know he was lieing I probably would of believed that the can did in fact slip. Thats just how innocent he is. I was kind of jealous of his innocent powers.

~*~End of flash back~*~

The memory brought happy tears to my eye. Then I started laughing remembering that later that night I had a hockey game. Just like tonight.

I grabbed a spray paint bottle. I went to an empty section of the wall. The wall was pretty long. I looked down at the spray paint can and noticed the colour was orange. Perfect.

I shook it and started to spray it. I wrote,

'Colton, My Delinquent.'

Colton grinned started to write a paragraph. When he finished I started to read it. He wrote,

Tessa, my beautiful girl. The one who turned my life around for the better. Shes my gorgeous goody two shoes who ill never ever give up. The one to actually make me smile because not even bothered to try or care. For that I love her with my life. I want to spend the rest of my life with her.'

I gasped and turned around to see him kneeled down. A red velvet box placed in his palm. "Tessa, every word on that wall is true. I want to spend the rest of my life with you-"

I cut him off. "Colton were only 16!" We cant!"

He chuckled. "You didnt let me finish. I want to spend the rest of my life with you so I give you this promise ring."

I placed a hand on my mouth to stop the retching sob that so desperatly wanted to sneak out. I nodded accepting the ring. He placed it on my right hand. "I love you so fucking much Colton. Thank you." I told him as I pulled him by his shirt into my lips.

I smiled to myself. If you told me I would be in love with my adopted brother I probably would of hit you on the boob with a spoon.


I need ideas!

Should I....a) make a sequel...or........B) finish this book with a epilogue. 

Dont worry theres one more chapter before the epilogue if u guys choose epilogue but if u pick sequel then im afraid THIS book is done.

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