Dear Diary: My Delinquent...Chap 16

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Dear Diary,

As much as I hate to admit- actually, no I love to admit that I am unbelievably, unconditionally in love with Colton.



Boys always need a boost in their ego. Always. Maybe they thought once a girl fell for them, they could run off to their friends and say they got into that girl and this girls pants. But that isn't the case with Colton and I. No, I promised myself to never ever fall in love with anybody. Especially after the Luke incident. My parents know about it. Colton doesn't know. I plan on keeping it that way too. Anyway, who's parents wouldn't know after the cops show up at three in the morning.

Like always, Colton and I never fought. Well, unless it was something over so stupid. Like the one time I hid his straightener. Man, lets just say he was a little bit pissed. Then there was the time like right now.

"Just say it! Say the three words." Colton teasingly grinned. Colton smiled a whole lot more too. Well, my parents and I noticed he only really smiled around me.

I pulled away from his embrace. I kissed his hair covered forehead. Then I went down to his ear and whispered the three words,

"I. Play. Hockey."

I quickly pulled away before Colton could register what I said and jumped down the ten stairs that led to the kitchen.

"Tessa, get back here!" Colton yelled through out the house.

I smiled to myself. I finally found my escape! And the bonus was that it was in the kitchen!

"MOM! Colton said he was going to," I lowered my voice to a whisper. "eat me!" I finished.

My mom patted my back as I fake sobbed. I pulled away and skipped over to the corner in the kitchen where Colton stood.

His arms were crossed against his chest. I think he was trying to look macho. It was working to because I found it a total turn on.

"That isn't funny." He pretended to pout. Sticking his lower lip out. If I could only grab that lip-. Stop! You dirty minded girl.

"I jumped onto his back and whispered, "I love you, my Coley Poo."


"No. Nope. No! This is unacceptable!" I shook my head at my dear friend Melissa.

"But you have one." She whined. Although she had a point. It didn't matter. Who ever dared to ask my best friend out is going to get their balls chopped off.

She sat down whilst running her fingers through her long blonde hair. "There's something I need to tell you."

Oh no, she sounds serious. "Um here's the thing my supposedly 'boyfriend' is a girl."

Somebody give me a Grammy. Or cue the applause because I am right! I always knew Mel was les. Not that that's a bad thing I just always had a feeling.  

I grinned and gave her a big hug. "I knew it I knew it I kneeew it!" I exclaimed happily.

She looked puzzled. "You knew that my sexuality is not normal?" She questioned with a frown.

"Hun, your sexuality doesn't matter to me at all. Plus I knew all along." I told her.

"How?" Her eyebrows rose to the top of her head. Well, not literally, but still.

"Maybe it had to do with the fact that you never had a boyfriend in middle school. Or maybe when we were in the girls change roo-" She cut me off.

"Ok ok I get it." She giggled.

"Anyway, what's this chicks name?" I asked changing the subject.

"Rayley" She got this dreamy look that made me want to barf. Is that what I look like when I say Colton's name? Because if it is, how does Mel or Jake not puke?

Then a thought hit me. "Rayley in Jakes cousin?"



My phone beeped. I took it out of my back pocket.

It read...


Unknown number:

My precious, how are you, how have you been? I have missed you. Have you missed me?


I snapped my phone shut so fast I think it may have cracked. I hope not. 

NO, no, no this couldn't be happening. No, It cant be happening! NO! Not now not ever. I thought he got 2 years? I looked at Mel's calendar.

As of today it has been only a year and a half. What happened?



Im so sorry about my reaaaaaaaallllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyy late updates!

but here you go

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