Dear Diary: My Delinquen...Chap 5

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Dear Diary:

I was right. Of course its in my blood to be right. I am a girl. Anyway I was right. Colton ended up in the hospital for using self harm way too deep. I promised I would make him smile. For real. And to top it off he hasn't been an complete asshole. And I am okay with that.

~ Tessa


I promised Colton I would make him smile. For real. Not an forced smile. Another thing I notice is that he visibly flinches when I mention his last name. Another thing I will have to find out. Colton is so mysterious. It makes me want to scream profanities at the world. It makes me very frustrated. When it comes to Colton I could drop everything on the spot for him. Everything. Its making me mad. Little progress is made but more to definitely more then before.

I set the pen down beside me with an frustrated sigh. I cant blame Colton for this. Because I chose to stay. I promised to stay. Promised to make him smile for real. I'm not saying I am making an bad choice. I think I'm making the best choice. Colton deserves it. He deserves someone by his side for once.

Colton came back this morning. It was now 11:00 pm. Almost time for me to collapse into bed and sleep. But I'm such an bad girl and will watch a movie. Lets see, Grown Ups 2, Magic Mike or the series of Pretty Little Liars. Well Grown Ups is like the most hilarious movie ever. Magic Mike is just a bunch of male strippers. And Pretty Little Liars is the most mysterious movie ever!


My eyes were fighting to stay awake. I'm pretty sure that the movie ended ten minutes ago. My shoulder made a popping sound as I stretched. I knew that if I fell asleep on the couch I would get an stiff neck.

I made my way up the stairs to my room. Soft whimpering made me change course and go towards Colton's room. Knocking is so over rated for me course so I opened the door. There was his vulnerable body curled up into an ball on his bed. His body shook from his...crying? Holy crap! Colton was crying.

I found myself already across the room and I kneeled in front of his pale body. "Colton?" I softly whispered getting his attention. "W...what?" He whimpered. I have never seen anybody so broken.

"Come here." I opened my arms for Colton to come. What surprised me the most...

Was that we were now technically hugging.

He let out soft whimpers as I held him. It literally made my heart shatter into an million pieces. I re-adjusted our position so were both laying down in his bed. His arms around my slim figure. His head buried in my shoulder. My pajama shirt was wet from his tears. The most disturbing part was that I was okay with him crying on my shirt. I pitied the boy that was crying on my shoulder.

And that is how we fell asleep last night. Him crying himself to sleep.


My eyes snapped open. I felt like my body was on fire. In a pleasurable way though. That's what scared me, Is that it felt good. My eyes lingered on the boys chest in front of me. I slept in Colton's bed last night.

His arms were still around me. I tried to get out but he just tightened his grip. I sighed, I could get used to this. No, Tessa this is your adopted brother! But were not even related. True, true.

"Colton?" I whispered. Nothing.

I shook him a little. HIs eyes shot open. He was so alarmed he fell out of the bed. I bit my lip to hold in the giggle that wanted to escape.

He groaned and looked up at me.

Colton's POV

I played with the patch of grass in the soft meadow. The sky mirrored my mood. Happy, Content and full of life. My eyes trailed down to the girl laying next to me. Her brown hair that flowed with the wind making her look like an angel. Eyes that made me want to look into them for forever.

She rolled over and propped her chin on her elbow.

"Colton?" She whispered. Her voice was so angelic. "Its just a dream." That was the last words that made me tumbling out of my bed.

My back hit the floor and I let out an audible grunt. That hurt. I didn't want to look up. To see the girl I couldn't have. The girl that promised to make me smile when no one else wanted to. I was just another kid with a bad childhood.

I was just putting Tessa in danger. As much as I wanted to tug her down and kiss her until were both numb.

"Colton?" I could never get tired of her voice. Although she can get annoying. "Maybe you should get up." I rolled my eyes at that. Duh.

"I know Tes," She grinned. I crinkled my nose. "What?"

"You don't call me Tes." I did didn't I?

"So?" She shrugged. "Nothing."

I sighed. I really didn't want to do this. "What happened last night meant nothing. Okay?" Tessa looked disappointed before stabling her self again. "Sure Colton. Lets go Jake is coming over soon."


Next Wednesday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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