Dear Diary: My Delinquent...Chap 22

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A/N: Am I a terrible person? I'm sorry! I know its been about...12 days but im so writer blocked up! This Chapter is dedicated tO... @seeingIalreadyleft! Shes amazing cuz she put the exact words 'amazing' as her comment and shes the first comment. I know I'm not a very detailed person but here ya go...


Dear Diary,

Three words that I hope Jake will read one day,


~Your highness, Tessa



I knocked on his door. I patiently waited for him to answer the door bell. Finally, I heard stomps coming towards the door. He opened it and gasped, "Tessa?"

"Hey Jake."

 His cheeks imediatly paled and he turned as white as a ghost. He better be scared. I was so mad right now. My knuckles cracked as my fist made impact with Jake's nose. Then I started aiming at his chest

"How," Punch. "dare," Punch. "you," Punch. "lie," Punch. "to me!" With one last and final punch I collapsed.

I swear if he touches me while I'm yelling at him he will get alot more then just a broken nose. "You told me you were gay! Mel told me she was gay! And for what? So you guys could fucking hook up!?" Tears streamed down my face.

I noticed he was standing while I was sitting on the grass (we somehow made it off his deck and onto the grass).

His face held major guilt. But I didn't care. My legs swung around and hooked under the backs of his knees and he came tumbling to the ground with me. I got onto his stomach and just sat there. He groaned. This moment reminded me when we were little. We used to get into fights and I always somehow ended up sitting on him.

"Do you have something to say to me Jake?" I waited paitently.

"Sorry Bunny" He groaned.

He always used to complain (when I sat on him) that I had a bony butt. So to make things worse I started to dig my 'bony butt' into his stomach.

"Uncle, uncle!" He exclamed. I sighed and got off him.

"Lets go"

Why?" He asked. Well I don't know maybe because there's blood dripping off your nose and onto the grass.

I gave him a sharp glare at the blood on the grass. He quietly muttered, "Oh."

"And Jake?"

"Yea?" He asked as he dug into his pocket for a Kleenex.

"Fuck you."

"You wish yo-"

"Shut the fuck up Jakey."

I think I forgive him now.


After I took Jake to get his broken nose looked at I went back home to my Coley poo.

Sheesh, that damn boy can sleep forever if I let-ted him. I could feel the sudden nerve to wake him up creep up on me. Good thing I played hockey and reffed the game to or I wouldn't have this fine sliver thing called a loud whistle.

I put it onto my lips, closed me eyes and blew it so hard.

My last words that were in my mind were 'Oh shit', before I heard 3 thumps.

Ah fuck. Mom and dad were sleeping too.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~DEDICATED TO @seeingIalreadyleft~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

MWAH! ITS SHORT I KNOW BUT HERE YOU GO..till next time! And of course next chapter is dedicated to ...first comment!

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