Dear Diary: My Delinquent...Chap 8

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Wow eight chapters for this book! Feeling boss like...any way read away.

Dear Diary:

Colton kissed me! Like on the lips. I couldn't believe it! My parents can't find out. Like ever. If they ever do they probably wouldn't be happy. Maybe they would be happy, happy that Colton is getting mentally better. I don't I in love? I think I am.


I couldn't believe it. Was I in love with Colton? Yeah, I totally was. I was in love with my adopted brother. But its not like we were blood related. Right?

I threw the pen at the wall. That felt great. Being in love felt great.

~*~Colton's POV~*~

Tessa. Tessa. Tessa.

That's all I could think about. Tessa's brown hair. Tessa's blue eyes. Tessa's spunky personality. Tessa's nose. Tessa's lips. Those lips that kissed me. I let her kiss me, and I enjoyed it. Sh*t, I enjoyed it. What did that mean? I have never fell in love. Call me sexist if you must. But the female race just wasn't my interest. Until now.

I think, maybe, I was possibly in love with Tessa.

~*~Tessa's POV~*~

i got up off my bed and started to pace the room. I really had no idea why I started to pace, but I just did. I think it was for exercise.

"No its not. Stressed. Subject to pressure or tension."

I snapped my gaze to see Colton in my door way reading off his phone. Of course he was. There was no way he had that off the top of his mind.

I couldn't help but add, "Desserts?"

He scrunched his face up. "What are you talking about Tessa?"

I rolled my eyes. "Stressed backwards is desserts." I had to keep in the 'duh' I so desperately wanted to say.

He looked thoughtful for a moment before asking, "Want to go out for ice cream?"

Hmmm, was this going to be a date? Colton seemed to notice my thoughtful look because he started to get uneasy.

"Colton, if I didn't know better I would think this is a date."

He smirked. "Maybe it is."

Was this going to be my first date?


Super short I KNOW...BUT IM GROUNDED!!!!!!!! I had to sneak on to make this chapter...ur welcome!

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