Dear Diary: My Delinquint...Chap 7

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Dear Diary:

Colton and me are good which for once is unbelievably amazing. I think I'm falling for my adopted delinquent step brother.


We pulled up to the arena and the nerves kicked in. If we didn't win we wouldn't have a good shot at provincials in 2014. Being goalie made all the pressure on you. If you didn't save this or that goal we lose.

I looked down at my hands and i was unbelievably shocked.

Reason number one is they were intertwined. Two is that a small smile was playing on Colton's lips. He wasn't even looking at me. He was looking straight ahead and his eyes were covered by his hair.

"Um Colton?" His smile grew a little bigger. "Yeah?"

"Your holding my hand." I told him.

He shrugged and faced me. "So what if I am." My eyes widen more then they already were. Is this Colton?

"Are you possessed?" I asked him making him chuckle.

"Nope." He answered.

Next thing you know he's leaning towards me. His eyes closed and so are mine. Then I feel his lips on mine! What. The. F*ck!

Slowly started kissing him back. He grabbed my legs and swung me over so I was sitting on his lap still making out with him. His hands were on my ass and mine were around his neck.

A honk made me stop kissing him. I realized that honk was from me. Oops.

"We should go..." I carried off. He nodded and got out. I got out and grabbed my hockey bag out of the truck. Colton grabbed my goalie stick and goalie pads for me. "Thanks."

"Yup." He replied.

Well this awkward...

~*~ Game Time ~*~

The score was 4-4. We were winning! Well it was tied. I am sure of it. Its already the third period.

My defence were lacking with 20 seconds left. A girl off the other team had an break away she was coming in faster and faster. Colton was up in stands with my parents.

The girl took an rounded left and shot. Everything was in slow motion as I went down into a butterfly and saved it. The crowd broke out in cheers. Colton winked at me.

The buzzer rang. The game was over. We had tied. We werent going into overtime because it was just a legue game.

~*~ After The Game ~*~

My parents congratulated me even though I played terribly today. Colton stood off to the side leaning on a wall with his gaze on the ground like he usually does.

When my parents left to go to the car and were out of earshot Colton finally looked up at me. He didn't say anything but he just took out his phone and tapped on it for a couple seconds.

Were gonna rock this house until we knock it down cos its mayhem till the a-.

I took out my phone and furrowed my eyebrows.

XxHUGZxX -Colton

What the fuck?

Arms encircled around my waist as I was lifted into the air. He spun me around a few times until he put me down.

"You did pretty good, Winters." He told me with an wink.

I rolled my eyes. "This was the worst I have played in net." It was true though. It was his turn to roll his eyes now.

"Whatever." Him and his short replies!

Then I gave him my cutest look. I mean think its cute. "Piggy back ride?" I asked with an slight pout.

My parents took my stuff with them so I dint have to carry anything so that gave him a reason not to say no.

"Sure." He shocked me a little. I beamed at him then bounced around like an child. I jumped onto his back and he carried me to the truck.

Colton didn't take his eyes off the road when I asked him, "this changes things. Doesn't it." I looked down at our intertwined hands.

He smirked. "I hope so. I wouldn't want it to go back to what it was before."





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