sixteen: memory

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They were sixteen.

It was the night of the last day of school, and Jacob had arranged for them to have another one of their secret sleepovers. Karma had her father drop her off at her cover friend’s house- Mimi- and from there Jacob came and picked her up. His mom worked night hours, so she wouldn’t be home til the A.M. It was something they did often.

Karma sat on top of him, straddling, as he looked up at her with amazement. A wide smile was plastered on his face, as it usually was with her. She was somewhat magical to him- something that only seemed like it could be real in a dream.

She laughed in response to something he had just said. “Okay okay, whatever you say.” She bent down and kissed him.

“I love you, Karmex.” He said while gripping her hands and locking their fingers. And he did. He was crazy in love with his girlfriend and that was a simple truth.

“Karmex loves you too, Jakey Poo.” She laughed and he laughed. It was so contagious. “That rhymed! I’m a poet just like you!”

He laughed harder and then flipped them over so he was on top. He held her hands above her head, fingers still locked together. “Leave the poetry to me sweetheart.” He said and kissed her softly and deeply. He didn’t want to pull away, but he did because he didn’t want to go any further than that with her. He had to be careful- it’d only take one slip up to screw everything between them up. Of course that wasn’t true, but it’s what he felt.

After the kiss was over, they were both quiet for a minute. Karma was the fist to speak. “Jake, have you know… done it?”

His eyebrows raised at her question at first and then he shook his head no. “It’s been me and you our whole life, Karm. Who could I have possibly done it with?”

She shrugged.

“Why? Have you…?” He asked. She bit down on her bottom lip and shook her head no.  “I don’t know if I like that mischievous look on your face.” He said, but he was smiling too hard.

She leaned up closer to his face, unable to get very far due to the fact that he was still pinning her down. “Do you want to?”

His face flushed. “W-what?? Like, right now?”

She nodded and chuckled. “Yes, dumbass. Like right now.”

“You don’t want to wait til marriage?” He asked. He, of course, never had any intention to but he had always assumed Karma would want to.

“Well, I mean.” She shifted underneath him. “I’m gonna get married to you anyways so.” Truth was, Karma was craving her some Jacob. He was a drug to her and she had become addicted a long time ago.

“Very true.” He smiled and leaned down and kissed her again. They had already talked about it- they were definitely getting married. They would wait til the appropriate age of course- like 25 or something. So people didn’t think they were doing it just because Karma was knocked up. “Of course I want to have sex with you, dumbass.” He said quietly against her mouth. Dumbass- they said it the way a couple would say baby or honey.

Her smile grew wider. “Ok cool. Does it hurt the first time?” She asked. “I heard it does.”

“Hmm.. I think so..” Jacob was just as unexperienced as she was. “Let’s google it.”

They both got up and ran to his home computer. Jacob sat in the seat and typed the golden question in. They spent a good thirty minutes scrolling through answers and the conclusion was simply: it may or it may not.

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