eleven: don't get it twisted.

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My mind is so close to collapsing I get a headache.

Back in my normal life, everything was simple. School, work, family. School, work, family. It repeated every day. Now it feels like I’ve gone from cruising… to 100 miles per hour all in less than a month’s time.

“Hey.” Jacob says as he enters the kitchen. Me, him, and Matt are all in his room getting ready to “talk” about things. I know they’re basically just going to be thinking about escape plans, so I’m not exactly sure why I have to be here for it. Not like I can contribute anything to the conversation. I’d much rather be sleeping, which is something that I haven’t been getting a lot of lately.

“Hi.” I smile a little. I finish putting the slice of pizza on my plate and walk past him before anything else can be said. I take a seat on the floor in front of the couch, across from Matthew who’s gobbling down his own slices of pizza.

Jacob comes back and flips the lights off, leaving us in the dim lighting in his living room. He sits on the floor next to me. Very close to me. He tosses a bottle I didn’t notice in his hand before to Matt. A bottle of Jack.

I roll my eyes. I don’t know why he keeps insisting on drinking alcohol in front of me when he knows I don’t like it. Matthew opens it and takes a long sip. He looks at me and smirks, and I can immediately tell he’s about to say something inappropriate. “I see you trying to flirt with me, kitten.” He eyes my legs which are exposed from the pajama shorts I’m wearing. “Wearing those tiny little shorts on purpose just to tempt me. I’m not fallin’ for it.” He winks and laughs, taking another sip from the bottle.

Jacob laughs too and then another bottle appears in his hand that I also didn’t notice. “You think that’s bad? You should have seen her the other night. She was strutting around in my towel all wet, fresh out the shower and shit. Practically begging for the D.”  He laughs, resulting in a wide, beautiful, heart-throbbing smile. Matthew laughs harder, and then I notice that he has a dimple in his left cheek. Lord, why have you put me in a dark room with two very attractive, very sexual boys? Why?

I hit Jacob’s arm and a little of his drink spills on the floor. “I was not.”

He laughs at me, completely ignoring the spill. “Oh but you were.”

“Fuck, in fact, you wanna do it again? Although, my self-control isn’t quite as good as my friend here. You sure you’re not 18 yet, baby?”

I don’t even get a chance to respond before Jacob snaps back. “Shut the fuck up, Matt. You act like you’re so much older than her but you’re only 20. Plus I already told you she’s my girl. You have no chance.”

Matthew chuckles. “Karma, you never answered my question about that. Are you his girl?”

I stare at him, then to my left at Jacob. His looking at me as if the answer should be obvious. But it’s not. Sure, he flirts with me sometimes and sure it’s a possibility that we used to date but… he’s never indicated that we were a thing. He’s never acted like it. He’s never even asked or shown that much interest in me in that way. “No. I didn’t think I was.” I answer.

Jacob’s eyebrows turn up and he smiles sarcastically. “Oh really? You aren’t?”

Matt just hunches over in laughter. “Sounds to me like she’s fair game.”

I blush at the angry look Jacob’s giving me. I thought we were gonna talk about serious things, not goof off.

“Whatever.” He grumbles. “That’s not what we came here to talk about anyway. We need to talk about escape plans.”

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