nine: snap.

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i can't stop thinking about you
you're in my head  all the time

its wrong and i know it
but youre like a poison seeping into my lungs
killing me with each breath i take

truth be told, i love you
i always have
i always will

this is my fatal flaw



That same night, after I go to my room and manage to sleep, I jolt awake, heated, from the dream I just had about him. I blush in embarrassment even though no one else saw. I creak out of the bed and open the door, checking back to see if I woke Imani up. I didn’t.

I stalk to the cafeteria, even though the food is shut down at night. Guess who’s sitting at one of the tables. I roll my eyes and try to quietly walk back, because he hasn’t looked up yet and hopefully he hasn’t noticed me walk in.

“Come here.” He says amusingly, smiling down at the notebook he’s scribbling in. I sigh and walk over to him, then I slump in a seat across from him. “What’s up?”

I consciously grab my hair, running my fingers through it. I’ve learned recently it’s something I tend to do when I’m nervous. “Nothing. Just had a bad dream.” More like the sexiest dream I’ve ever had in my entire life.

He chuckles, still not looking up from his stupid teasing notebook. “Did you know that when a person lies, their heart rate changes?”


“So why are you really awake then, Karmex?” He sets his pen down and looks at me, smiling as if he’s about to laugh.

“I’m not lying. I had a dream.”

“What kind of dream?” He asks. I roll my eyes again and I’m about to change the subject when he says: “Have a wet dream about me, mami?”

I feel the heat on my face and I immediately get defensive. “No! Why would you even think that? Why on earth would anyone dream about you???” I practically screech. I stand up and I’m getting reading to storm off when suddenly he’s grabbing my arm. Holy cow he moves fast. “Stop it! Where are you taking me????” I struggle but there’s really no point.

“Would you relax? We’re going to raid the kitchen.”

Ugh. He pulls me into the dark kitchen and switches the lights on. I sit on one of the counters when he opens the door to the big industrial refrigerator and pulls out a tub of icecream. He moves quickly, grabbing bowls and these huge steel spoons. In seconds he’s produced two bowls of vanilla ice cream with a ridiculous amount of chocolate syrup on it. He smiles at me and waves a spoon in my face.

I take it and eat quietly, uncomfortable with the silence. “You have this look.” His says while staring at me. To be honest, I feel quite uncomfortable when does.

“What look.”

“You used to dream about me all the time. And then the next day, when you were about to tell me, you had a look. You still have it.”

“Oh.” I bite into my ice cream. “What happened in these.. dreams?”

He smirks and looks back down at his bowl. “I don’t know what was the one you just had about?”

I bite down on my lower lip in a nervous way, and he laughs and I laugh. “Why are you up?”

“What makes you think I sleep?” He quirks an eyebrow at me. I stare at the ground. “I’m just messing with you. I couldn’t sleep.”

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