thirteen: a written note.

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“Tell me what they want, Marcus.” Jacob says through his teeth, threatening to burst with anger any second. But he knew that it would only end badly, so he held it in. For now.

“What makes you think I know?”

“Don’t be like that. You’ve been on my side the entire time I’ve been here. Please, just tell me. I can’t let her get hurt anymore.”

Marcus frowns at him. “You sound so desperate.” His eyebrows furrow in confusion. Desperation was not something he was used to seeing from the boy standing in front of him.

“I am desperate.”

Marcus sighs. “I’m sorry to hear that. But I don’t know why you came to me when you already know what they want from you.”

“I don’t want to be their little lab rat, and I don’t want to do their dirty work. Is there nothing else I can do?”

He shakes his head no. “Like I said, you know what they want. Do it. That’s all I can say about it, Jacob. I’ve already helped you as much as I can without drawing suspicion to myself.”

Jacob’s fists clench at his sides. “Dammit. Dammit dammit dammit.” He chants over and over again as he exits the room.


I take a quick shower and french-braid my wet hair.

And the thing is- I hum while I do it.

Wanna know why? Because last night, two things happened: One- Jacob told me he’d do anything for me, and two- he kissed me.

Except, it wasn’t like the usual kisses we’ve shared. This one was different. So different. It was sweet, and sweet is an adjective I’d never use to describe that boy. But it was, and it was gentle, and it was passionate all in one. Long story short- it was perfect.

I haven’t stopped thinking about it since it happened. I feel like a total girl for being so giddy, but who cares. I am a girl, anyways.

That’s why when I walk out the restroom and see him sitting at his signature table, writing in his signature notebook, I bite down on my lip to keep a big smile from spreading across my face. Lord knows it’d only fuel his ego.

I slide into a seat across from him, and he shuts the notebook and looks up. “If a person didn’t know any better, they would think you had gotten dicked down or something last night.”

Heat rises to my cheeks and the smile disappears, replaced by a look of utter embarrassment.

He laughs at my reaction and shrugs. “I could hear you humming from all the way in here. And you suck at trying to hide your smile.”

“Sorry.” I mumble and use the sleeves of my hoodie to cover up my face.

“Don’t apologize, it’s cute. And are you planning on giving that back to me any time soon?” He nods towards the garment.

I defensively hold onto it. “But… we don’t get sweatshirts like these. And it’s comfy.”

He blankly looks at me for a moment. Then, a smile slowly spreads across his face. “Keep it.”

I say thanks and fully uncover my face to look at him. After a mini staring contest, I eye his notebook. “Gonna let me read that yet?” I ask even though I know he’ll say no.

“Gonna show me your sketchbook?”

I laugh a little. “Of course I’ll show it to you. I never had a problem with showing it to-“

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