Chapter 26: Retaliation

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Saturday Night; Last Saturday of March.


I sprayed just one last spary of Chanel No. 5 on my neck, just to be sure, I love the smell of this stuff. I was staring at my self in the mirror of my bathroom. Yup, you guessed right, I’ve been sleeping in MY original room, Ray can sleep alone all he wants, I don’t care. I know it’s irking him to, just too proud to admit it, fine with me.

But that doesn’t matter right now, I have a business dinner to attend. I shut the lights off in the bathroom, just about to step out my room when I found him waiting at my door post. Memories, he used to do that all the time with his “ghost feet”. I call em that cause I’d never hear him come up, ever.

He looked groggy, like he just woke up from a nap. It was 9 o’clock, I know he definitely not sleeping tonight. He stretched and yawned.

“Where are you going?” He asked with this deep a/ss “morning” voice, ‘cept you know, it’s the evening.

“Out.” I ain’t gotta tell em sh*t. Lately, I been feeling so detatched and defiant. I can’t deal with people that won’t take my word, I’m just tryin to help him out. Plus, I’ve been getting these shady blocked calls and anonymous texts. I don’t like what they’re saying.

“Out..where? With who?” He asked, crossing his arms. “Dinner, and a friend.” I answered. Now I’d really like him to move. “Who’s this ‘friend’?” He made air quotations. Fine, if he must know.

“Dinner at the Sharonette, with Quincy.” I can already see the anger in his eyes as he focused on what I just exactly. Nope, I didn’t stutter. “So that’s it? People just go out to dinner with ex’s now when they’re in a relationship?” He asked, highly annoyed. Bingo.

“Well I don’t know, you should tell me.” I said plainly. He rolled his eyes, pursing his lips. “What the hell are you talking about?” He muttered. I took out my phone and opened the recent picture message I got yesterday— Ray and Eva having lunch. Looks like they were having a ball.

“Looks like you and your ex went out, what’s the difference?” I asked as I held it to his face. “What, you stalked me? How’d you get that?” Is that really his answer!? I can’t right now!

“No you idiot! I’ve been getting these all WEEK.” I hissed. “Either you’re sending these sh*ts or ya baby momma is trying to get me upset. If that’s the case, then tell her I’m not even phased.” I answered strongly, I didn’t falter not once.

“It’s not what you think.” He said quietly. “What do you think I’m thinking?” I’m gonna psycho-analyaze his a/ss. “I think that you think I’m cheating.” He answered, looking me in the eyes. “I never said that, unless you want me to suspect? Now excuse me, I have dinner to get to.”

“Shai stop that, stop being so dificult. I don’t like when you act all emotionless with me. Yell, scream, throw sh*t at me— but when you act like this, it’s like you don’t care.” He admitted.

“I don’t understand why you’re so needy right now Rayson. I never said anything, I’m not mad. I’m just saying.” I proceeded past him, down the stairs. He trotted after me. “So you’re going back to that filthy d*uche?” He asked, grabbing my arm.

“I never said that either, will you stop coming to conclusions?” I snacthed my arm away. “I’ll catch ya later.” I said, repeating his words.

I can be the nicest sweet heart or the cruelest wench. I know what I did in there hurt it, cause it did seem like I didn’t give a sh*t, even though I do. I just hope this little act of defiance will open up his eyes.

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