Chapter 22

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Alexis and Emma were laying on my bed talking to each other like they were old friends. Maybe that's what happens when you share the same soul? I wasn't sure.

I stepped in and they both looked up at me. Alexis was laying on her hip propped up by her arm as she looked down at Emma who was laying on her back sideways on the bed.

“Welcome back.” Emma smiled.

“So how was your day out with your parents?” Alexis asked.

“It was nice. Some hunters fucked it up. But other than that it was really nice to spend some time with them. I don't usually do it as much as I should.” I smiled a bit.

“Why don't you try to get them to go around town with you again? Or sleep with you for tonight?” Emma asked.

“Eh...cuz they seemed pretty eager to be alone tonight...” I scratched the back of my head.

Emma laughed and Alexis's face turned a bit red. “Kira really did change didn't she?” Emma laughed.

“What was Kira like before?” I asked.

Emma managed to stop laughing and she looked at me with a smirk. “She was a lot like Alison unless someone was threatening her. Then she was so courageous and strong. She was always shy and always turned away from things like romances because she was afraid to get hurt. But something about Alison drew her in. She couldn't get the little wolf out of her head no matter what she did. So she stayed with her through everything that happened. But she used to be just like her. But when she met Alison, she had to adapt. She had to become just a little more aggressive to protect her. But I'm sure when she's alone with Alison, they're exactly the same: Trying so hard not to hurt each other, or argue, or be mean to each other.” Emma smiled.

“Why did Kira get paired up with Zoe?” I asked.

“You've never properly seen Zoe fight have you?” Emma smiled almost evilly.

“No. I haven't.”

“Zoe is the nicest person ever, as long as no one is hurt, and/or there aren't any humans around.” Emma explained. “Zoe is a sadist.”

“What!? Really!? But she's so nice!”

“Exactly. But when she needs to be, she can be just as bad as Alice is when she's cranky.”

“Then why did she get paired with Kira?”

“Because while fighting with Kira, she needs to focus everything on allowing Kira to fight at full strength. She doesn't have time to focus on her need to fight herself.” Emma explained. “If Zoe was really in control of Kira's body when she was fighting Alice, then Alice would have already been on her knees. She and Kira met when Zoe nearly tore Kira's arms off.”

“Seriously?! I don't believe you!”

“I never said I was proud of it!” Zoe's voice shouted from the doorway.

“Eh!? Shouldn't you be with Kira?!” I asked.

“I can control her vampire from here.” Zoe shrugged.

“....You're really a sadist?” I asked as I raised my eyebrow.

“Yes and no. I'm not technically a sadist... but I act like one when Kira is hurt or someone else I care about is.”

“You nearly killed Kira the first time you met.” Emma smirked.

“She was going to kill you!” Zoe shouted.

“But she didn't!” Emma smiled.

“You enjoy killing people?” I asked her.

“...A little.”

“You were laughing like a maniac.” Emma answered.

“Would you shut your god damn mouth!” Zoe snarled.

“Hey! This room is a non violent environment.” Alexis said.

“Oh that must suck for you Zoe.” Emma taunted.

Zoe just rolled her eyes. I would never believe that Zoe was a sadist. It was improbable. She seemed so nice, and just that kind of person that you love to be with. She would cringe at dirty things and always jump to defend her friends. Yet she killed people because it was fun?

Alexis sighed herself as Emma laughed.

“Emma you need to shut your mouth.” I put my hand on my head, practically embarrassed of her.

“Sorry I can't help myself. You know that.” She answered.

“I know.” I sighed.

“I'm going to go now. Good night.” Zoe vaporized before any of us could say anything more to her. I closed the door and looked back at my Shades.

“Emma you're such a jerk.” I told her.

“I can't help it.” She shrugged.

“You should really learn to try.” Alexis added.

“Tell you what, when you two start kissing, I'll stop being an ass.” Emma said.

Both me and Alexis became bright red in the face and she just burst out laughing again. I went to hit her but she just vaporized into my body.

“I'm sorry you're stuck with us Alexis.” I told her.

“It's alright. I'll get used to it.” Alexis answered.

I wish you guys would just confess and get it over with. Emma sighed in my head.

“Mind your own business Emma.” Alexis and I both growled. We then paused and looked at each other for a moment before smiling.

“Do you want to head to bed now Myra?” Alexis asked.

“Yeah. That sounds nice. I've had an eventful day.” I told her as I climbed into the bed beside her. I didn't have to say anything before she pulled the covers over my head and locked her purple eyes with mine. I couldn't help but stare back into them.

“Myra?” She asked.


“I heard your thoughts the other night.” She told me. My heart sank. “You really think you've fallen for me?”

“I-I don't... I don't know. I think I have but... we just met so I don't know.” I answered. Her eyes continued to study me as if checking if I was lying to her.

“I don't want to sound rude, but I don't know how I feel about you yet either. Is it okay if we stay friends for now?” She asked.

“Of course its okay. I'd never want to rush into anything, especially if I don't know about it.” I told her.

“Thanks Myra. You're the best.” She told me.

“If you say so.” I answered.

She took my hand and laced her fingers through mine with a smile. I never wanted to let go. She closed her eyes, and I closed mine, trying to keep myself calm. I knew she was in my head forcing my wolf to behave, but my wolf wanted to pin her and do god knows what to her. But she knew that my wolf wasn't me. I'd never do anything to hurt her.

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