Chapter 14

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I was asleep with Emma in my head when Alexis came back in the room. She gently shook my shoulder and woke me. I yawned a bit then made eye contact, flinching at the fact her eyes weren't brown anymore but now a bright violet. Everything else was the same though.

"How bad is it?" She asked.

I paused and stared into her eyes. "It's not bad. Unexpected... but it's actually pretty cool."

"Thank god." She smiled.

"Did you think I wouldn't like you because of your eye color? I asked.

"No... I just was worried they'd look weird." She answered.

"They don't."

"Thanks. Do you mind if I join you?" She asked.

"Not at all." I answered.

She walked around the bed and laid down on the left side of the bed. I rolled onto my left shoulder to watch her, and she rolled to look at me.

"I still feel really bad about your shoulder." She told me. "I should have known he was there."

"If me or my mom didn't know he was there, how could you?" I smiled. "His scent was masked in the blood. Don't blame yourself for something you can't control. You'll make yourself feel guilt."

She smiled a bit. "Who taught you that?" She asked.

"Kira did." I told her.

"Please don't take this to offense, but which one do you think is more like a father?" she asked.

I didn't have to think for long. "Kira." I answered.

"Have you ever thought of calling her dad in the first place?"

"Not really. At first maybe. But she's my mother too. So I just call her mère." I admitted.

"That's French isn't it?"

"Kira was fluent in a bunch of different languages. So I kind of acquired that talent. I have both my parents memories from before I was born." I explained.

"How is that possible?"

"Because I was born from the connection of their minds. The spell created me as a combination of the both of them through their thoughts and memories." I explained.

"That's actually really cool. I wish I had my ancestor's memories." She smiled a bit.

"It might not be a good thing." I laughed.

"Why's that?" She asked.

"You'd have to remember how you were born and or made."

Her face turned bright red.

"And that's why I haven't gone through their memories."

"Are you telling me you can access them like books whenever you want?" She asked me.

"I could, but I don't want to." I told her.

"I can see why." She smiled. "In the morning Alice, Amber, and Rose want us to Link. I'll be joining Emma in your soul even though I haven't a clue how." She sighed. I could tell she was really nervous.

"Don't worry about it okay?" I smiled and took hold of her hand with my good arm. "Emma and I have done this before, so it will be fine."

"Yes well, I'm a Shade because I was made into one... I thought if anything I'd be turned into a vampire, but that didn't happen." She sighed. "I'll try my best... I really will. But I don't see how this is going to work."

"It'll work." I smiled. "Everything will be fine."

She squeezed my hand. "I believe you." She smiled. "I'll give it my all."

"That's enough to get our satisfaction." I assured her.

"Thank you Myra... I really do owe you." She pulled my hand against her chest to express how grateful she was.

"Just pull the blankets up over my head so we can sleep." I smiled. "You can keep holding my hand if you want."

She smiled herself and pulled them over both our heads. Her purple eyes glowed from under the covers and I could tell mine were glowing too by the shine on her face. She let her eyes close and I followed her example.

She didn't let go of my hand.

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