Chapter 1

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I could feel a small form climb onto my bed and crawl up towards my head. The room was too dark for me to see anything, even with my werewolf eyes. The figure climbed up and I could feel it's weight on my chest.

I opened my eyes to see two small, silver, glowing eyes staring down on me, and a set of white teeth that reflected their glow. The figure's fangs were easily visible.

I could only smile at the small creature. "Myra, what are you doing?" I asked.

The smile turned to a frown. "I didn't scare you?" She asked.

"Startled, but not scare. I could feel you climb onto the bed." I answered.

"You could at least humor me." The small girl mumbled before sitting on my stomach and crossing her arms.

Kira let out a hot sigh into my neck. She raised her head and looked up at Myra before smiling in her own playful grin. "Waking up your parents? Aren't you a naughty little girl?" Kira snickered.

Myra just glared at Kira in the same devilish way Kira would smile at me. "What are you gonna do about it?" Myra taunted.

"Oh? There's a mouth on you? Looks like I'll have to tear it off." with that Kira pushed off the bed, and plowed into the small child. The two rolled off the bed, but as usual, Kira made sure it was her body that hit the ground. The two playfully wrestled on the floor as they often did.

I sat up and smiled brightly down at my family. Four years ago, Kira had proposed, and although we didn't really celebrate it as much as we wanted to, it was still an amazing feeling to be married to her. A year later Kira did the same thing Rose did to herself, to me, and we gained a new addition to the family. Nine months later, Myra is born. We expected Myra to have a lot of health problems with Vampire and Werewolf physiology so different, however Myra was as healthy as an immortal should be. Her heart beat in her chest, she did have to breath, she was not effected by sunlight, she was strong, fast, could touch water and she had excellent senses. She had yet to learn how to shift, which we were all eagerly waiting for.

She had Kira's luminescent silver eyes that glowed in the dark, but she had my brown hair. Her facial features were a mix between mine and Kira's, but our favorite thing about her, was the little Nightshade symbol on her palm. The same symbol appeared on my hand after I accepted Kira's proposal. The symbol was so cute, and just felt so right. I was the first Nightshade werewolf, and I enjoyed every moment of it.

Kira loved me with all her heart, and I returned it easily. Kissing her still felt like my first kiss every time, just a heart pounding situation that would never change. She became something I didn't want, but something I desperately needed every moment of every day. Almost like an obsession.

Kira ended up pinning Myra to the floor. The three year old tried kicking at her mean attacker but to no avail. Kira laughed and lowered her head to blow farts on the child's stomach making her scream in laughter.

"When you're a big bad scary werewolf vampire, I bet you'll easily be able to take me down, so I have to enjoy my moments of victory while they last." Kira taunted the child.

"And you're right, I will get you back!" Myra answered.

The oddest part of the whole situation, also took me a lot of getting used to. Since Myra wasn't born from normal intercourse, Kira's mind had to essentially bind with mine. This added a combination of my memories, and Kira's. But instead of Myra being born from those memories, she was born with them.

Every thought Kira and I have ever had, Myra learned before she was able to talk. She was running around the house at two months old, and talking perfect English around the same time. Kira explained that it was completely normal for a vampire child to act that way when born the way she was. Kira and Aviri were apparently the same. I know I didn't have my mother's memories, and I was born the same way too.

Kira smiled and released Myra before rolling onto her side and looking out the window.

"You know why she came in Kira. Don't keep her waiting." I smiled.

Kira laughed as Myra pounced on her head. "Yeah mère!" Myra whimpered. She called Kira 'mère' which was French for 'mother', and I was just momma.

"Which would you like me to play today?" Kira asked with a smile.

"You played the piano yesterday, so I want to hear the violin today!" Myra smiled.

Kira lifted Myra off her head and stood up, handing the small girl to me. I wrapped my arms around my precious daughter as Kira walked over to her piano and opened the violin case that was sitting on top of it. She set the base to her chin, the bow on the strings, and played.

Kira's music wasn't amazing, it was perfect in every way. Every note was perfected from lifetimes of practice. Each day she played a different song, and each one was better than the last. Each note was a magic charm that snaked its way into my ears and put me under her magic spell. I couldn't move, I couldn't speak, I could only listen, and Myra was the same.

Kira's eyes were closed as she strummed away her melody. It was a mystical addiction that both me and Myra acquired. A feeling that nothing but my perfect wife could satisfy.

As the final note was played, she slowly opened her perfect silver eyes. "You're amazing mère! I wish I could play like you can!" Myra stated.

Kira only smiled and put away her violin. "Years of practice soleil." She answered. It meant Sunshine.

She moved over to the bed and kissed Myra on the top of the head before leaning over to kiss me on the lips. Myra made a playful gagging sound and I prodded her in the ribs making her whine.

As Kira pulled away we smiled down at Myra who looked up at us playfully. "So what are we doing today?" I asked.

"I dunno momma." Myra answered. "Can we go swimming in the river?" Her eyes lit up as she asked.

"Of course we can." Kira smiled.

"Are you sure? Won't you be hurt?" Myra asked.

"I'll be fine if you hold my hand." Kira smiled down at our daughter.

Myra smiled happily as we both climbed out of bed. Grabbing a few towels and changing into our bathing suits, we then made our way down to the river. The sun shone down brightly warming my skin. Myra didn't hesitate to jumped into the river.

The river separated the Nightshade land, from the rest of the forest. On the other side of the river, was the forest. Myra knew not to climb out of the water on that side, and she obeyed like she'd be killed if she didn't.

Kira waded into the water and smiled, pulling Myra out of the water. The wedding ring on her finger glowed ever so slightly. The ring was enchanted for her to allow her to be in water without the damaging effect it normally held for vampires.

"Be careful soleil." Kira smiled. "You need to breathe."

"I won't drown! You and momma are here to protect me!" Myra growled. Kira was holding her upside down by her leg.

"Of course we are. That's our job." Kira answered. I smiled and made my way over to them.

"But we can also punish you too." I told her. Myra yelped when I began to tickle her. She did that childish scream laugh and Kira dropped her into the water and plowed into me, pushing me under the water where she kissed me.

You do realize I can't breathe? I thought to her.

You'll be fine. She answered. I tapped her shoulder after almost a minute of our kissing, and she pulled me to the surface. As soon as I did surface, Myra plowed into me.

"Don't tickle me!" She shouted as she wrestled me under the water.

I enjoyed my perfect life, and knowing I could spend it with these two forever, made it all the better.


Here's your first chapter. Comment and vote. Every bit helps. For the few people that answered thank you very much. I laughed like a mad child when I saw the comments. Thank you very much! Dragon Realm will also be posted tonight too. Let's see which first chapter you like better.

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